Someone cursed me a long time ago (yes, I’m sure. No, I didn’t curse myself. This is what caused me to dive into magickal practice, and I’m fine now. The curse has run its course).
I have an auspice as to who did it, but I really don’t want it to have been them. I have not only intuition but some reason–which could possibly be coincidence–to believe it was them.
I am looking for a divination method that is free of bias that I could use to provide myself with a name specific enough to be certain who it was, whether it was them or not. I’m afraid that with all the methods I’m familiar with (tarot, dreams, pendulum, runes), either it can’t give me an actual name, or there is room for my own ego/suspicions to insert something that may not be true.
Consequently, I am seeking the expertise of people who are more involved with divination for help with procuring the name of this person. Or if you were given a name upon seeing this and you feel comfortable sharing it, I’d appreciate it if you could share it with me.
Any help with this task is greatly appreciated, thank you so much.