Seeking a lateral move from armchair magi to magi

Re-reading the 159 replies, to see where I can steer this back to a point to help New Magicians and Armchair Magicians and LARP’ers to do the work and see it pay off quickly.

I guess the first point I see is:

“make time for meditation or ritual”

This I would think for myself is to not only make time, but make it the same day and hour every day. The only time it is difficult is folks like myself, with rotating schedules. The only other thing I could think of is consistently do the work all day on your days off.

Yes, started mapping out what I think a logical progression should be, I see eleven at the moment, will be doing one petition either tonight or Thursday, Thursday most likely. I work the rest of the week other than these two days. At the very least, I will get the petitions done tonight for at least the money issues.
Which seem to be changing for the better – old job back, the other job still wants to interview me, getting occasional gifts to get me through the week or two weeks. Not an overnight makeover, but things are moving from different angles.

Tarot I still do daily.
I do the Major, Court and Minor meditations, and note the demons and angels assigned to the minor to evoke for the day, or be next in line for petitions.
I do the TCR typically before or after work, and at least one spread.
I record the results as often as I remember in my journal or online.

On working only through Demons of Magic now, I am still doing a purification rite, and a statement or assertion of will and an invocation to the higher.
I will do the initial rites daily, just to memorize them.

One petition to Duke/Duchess Bune has already been done.
The next in sequence are (?) Valac and Prince Orobas.
Perhaps I should also memorize all their titles.

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Yep, planning to work with Furcas, Vassago and Agares among others.

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I’d recommend you address them during the working by thier title first.

Prince Orobas has made clear to me on several occasions he IS a PRINCE of the Goetia…



You know, that was another thought train of mine yesterday, on what the feudal title structure is, and what they typically entailed, adding to that their lists of powers.

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@Fuego, Prince Orobas told me that these rankings are dynamic not static and change over the course of time. I was also told there are regular border wars in Goetic hell and machiavellian intrigues and power plays.

Edit: you can see from the number of legions they command roughly what thier power level is and how much juice the spirit has. Kings and princes obviously have much more than typical earls or presidents.

You want to see some spirits with alot of juice? Check out the Olympic spirits. One of them has more legions than many goetics combined.

Just to put things in perspective.

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Still keeping this in mind.

I wondered about that too from time to time, that there was a time not long ago where some issue occurred in the eighth sphere or whatnot, and I kinda figured there must be power struggles there.

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I also wonder about not only the appearance of the Olympic spirits, but the headless/bornless spirit, and abrasax.

There was a time back in 2014 and 2015 where people were evoking fantasy characters and actually has some weird experiences occur.

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Prince Orobas doesn’t tell me specifics about stuff like that. Its not my business.

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True, probably not a stress level we should involve ourselves in.

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I am really looking forward to evocation working to manifestation (partial or full), Im not sure if this will occur without intact clairvoyance/clairaudience, I really am.

Im looking forward to actual results, and am trying to do the legwork, read the book, read between the lines, get the process complete and jotted down notes. Memorization and competence are the two goals with the petitions.

I like your idea of working the structured pacts as you did with P.O., thats kind of where Im trying to do with this, rather than just 1 to 72 in order. I would like to try that actually. More like small steps to get big life ruts bridged so I can keep moving in the path of magic. Id like to get to a point where Im solid in the first couple rungs of Maslows Pyramid in life, and help others as Ive been helped. Magically or otherwise. But first I have to get out of poverty, cause it drives me further into numbness and laziness and madness. I just can’t not get stressed out while living in poverty.

I guess an entrepreneur path is the smartest thing to do, but there is one job that I must always do well at, never quit, or get fired. Thats a personal issue of mine. I need to show consistency and character.

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Which involves the next group, past finance team and Clair team, the PR/Damage Control team. Then a legal team, and the finance team altered for long term growth and high yield on investments for a start, land and air property, possibly maritime property. Owning an island would be interesting. Of course, then I might need to outsource a maritime team/naval team to teach me how to operate a boat, rather than getting lost at sea, or smashing the hull into the beachfront property of the island.

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Yesterday I went to Michaels, looking for wands and pentacles and finding none.
So, went to the Dollar Tree and found a Driveway Light that functions as a wand, a pumpkin carving kit that held my new air dagger, Crown Heart and Root incense - Frankincense/Jasmine/Nag Champa. Candle count is low - two 5 hour taper candles, 6 tea lights, 2 packs birthday candles.
I do have a box of crayons.
Could not find chalk however.
I also have Bay Leaf which could be used outside as incense.
Even a small etch a sketch for sigils.

Clair, a servitor that helps to train “Clair” senses - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.

Evening Tarot three draw meditation:
Major Card: XI Justice. Libra. Equilibrium, balance.
Court Card: Ace of Pentacles. Kether or Assiah, Root of the Powers of Earth. Spirit of Earth, N of NANTA.
Minor Card: Ten of Wands, Lord of Oppression. Ronove, Andras.

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Now back to writing cipher petitions, and senses meditations for the rites and the evocation keys.

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It’s okay with me for you all to tremble at my new wand and dagger.

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Wish we had big stores in my country too smh

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Check out this planetary arrangement:

To do today:
Petitions in cipher notes small enough to burn efficiently.
Work on visualization exercises and meditations on senses and evocation keys.
Work on energy work - controlled breathing a start.
Work on 3-sun and void meditations. (relaxation and trance exercises/meditations.

Breath-chanted HEH-HAH-REE for a minute or two. Made sure to annunciate a final h for the first two words and a final e for the last word.
Felt slight change in mood and overall perception.
Higher tone in tinnitus as well.
Canted 1-2 min EE-AWE-HAH-HAW-VEE-HAH … Made sure to annunciate per above.
Saw more peripheral movement of a shimmery transparent to white shapes, some casting shadows on the wall, some darker movement as well.
Chanted 1-2 min EE-REH-HAH-SHAH-AWE-SHAH-AH. Annunciation and vibration.
Not sure on the astral whats occurred but potentially made myself noticeable.

3-4 min. Chanted:

Noticed I wasn’t breathing while chanting from diaphragm, kept chanting anyway, took a deep breath when stopping chanting.

Noticed some calm and some colors darker, my room darker.

And after closing and scrunching my eyes and opening, staring at ceiling apex see static rain.
And hear a laugh internally in mind, not necessarily evil but foreboding perhaps.

Held my Tarot Cards in my hands interlaced and cupped together with thumbs out.
Listened to an Astaroth Enn Chant on youtube, and stared at the sigil and it started to open, got drowsy, fought sleep, and asked in my mind after “Astaroth, Astaroth, Astaroth, Come!”, “Are you Astaroth?” Felt heat on my left temple. “Will you work with me?” Felt someone brushing my face. “Will you open up my Clairaudience?” Felt a popping sensation in my ears and felt a warm divine, tingling presence on my crown chakra.
“How can I help you?” Silence.

My life as a Druid-Witch-Magician.
Celtic Cross spread
Significator: VII The Chariot
Covers him: XVII The Star
Crosses him: Eight of Wands (Glasya-Labolas, King Zagan)
Crowns him: XVI The Tower
Beneath him: XIV Temperance
Behind him: Eight of Swords (Amon, Sabnock)
Before him: Queen of Cups (Astarte?)
Querent: Page of Pentacles (Earth of Earth)
Environment: Seven of Wands (Eligos, Balam)
Hopes and Fears: Nine of Wands (Bune, Valac)
Final Outcome: IV Emperor (Lucifer?)

Top of Deck: 10 of Swords, Lord of Ruin. King Paimon, King Vine.
Bottom of Deck: XXI The World

Would love to know what tunnels or spheres all of them operate in. Would make the interpretations much more insightful.

A man protected and under the influence of the sun and moon, between black and white horses-sphinxes and a spear (Spear of Lugh?)

A reflection into the sea of consciousness and pouring it through the other arm into five streams of senses. Mercurial, Aquarius (Jupiter in Aquarius)

Incoming message of an urgent and critical nature or incoming attack.

Bound in self reflection.

A seated queen, adoring her cup

An earthly young man adoring his pentacle.

A fight or sparring.

Near completion of work.

Order and sight under ruin.