Seeking a lateral move from armchair magi to magi

Well thanks all, I hope this helps AM and LARPers … It’s helped me.

Armchairs are all theory, with no practical application. They tend to read a lot and argue over inconsequential minutia, instead of experiencing the magick in action.

They’re a lot like English majors, actually. There are scholars, for example, who build entire careers on a single interpretation of one particular element in a classic work, and they will defend and argue their stance against everyone who contradicts them, even if that person is the author whose work they are actually interpreting.


Too true @DarkestKnight

Are LARPers always wearing costumes? That’d be sort of cool actually, even in a McDonalds.


Mmm no I think that’s called Cosplay. I don’t know much about it except that there are people that like to dress up like thier favorite fantasy character. I don’t know what they do once they’ve gotten all dressed up though. No idea really.

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Pretty boring actually…. I just try to it but. My home down :see_no_evil:


LARPers are playing a role. It’s a pretty common thing online, even outside of the occult, where people are free to pretend to be whatever, and whoever, they want to be, because they are protected by the anonymity of their keyboard so they can live out their fantasies, whether that fantasy is as a porn star, an elf maiden, or a grand demon.

The occult has a lot of natural fantasy elements to it, especially since it deals heavily with beings drawn from mythology, so those who have a need to pretend to be something other than their boring old human selves are drawn to it.


No. They tend to only play in certain organised circumstances, like at festivals. The Society for Creative Anachronisms, for example, sets up fairs where people play as knights, pirates, and other pre-17th century things. They have bar wenches, and a king and queen, etc.

Cosplay is where people dress up as characters from television, movies, comics and anime, and go to conventions. You are more likely to see a cosplayer in costume at MacDonald’s than a LARPer.


Lol, this has been quite informational.

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Hi, I think I can help you as a newbie like you

Basic Skills :
Exercise the imagination
Do meditation for mind training
Energy work for the learning shaping astral energy and to create a power in the higher realms (like chakra working, kundalini working, mantra working etc.)

Next level basic Skills :
Evocation - You need to develop extra Skills like astral senses
Soul Travel

And choose a couple of the freestyle magickal work :
Spell working - Witchraft based on this type of
Sigil working - Chaos magick based on this type of
Mantra magick - Eastern magick traditions based on this type of (Like Hindu and Islamic magick)
Ceremonial magick (like LBRP) - Western magick traditions based on this type of mostly (or not, I m not sure)

This is just a thoughts from another newbie, and then you can buy tools needed (you dont need buy all things needed, just buy possible things) or just develop some skills and train yourself to doing rituals in astral temple


Fuego, I didn’t start evocation until a few years ago. Fortunately, I had b trained my clairs enough growing up that I could sense what was happening and get direction. But it was fear that stopped me from anything even remotely connected to the LHP throughout my journey. Hecate kept pushing until I finally listened.

But evocation and invocation have helped tremendously. Think.of it as a way that you have to use many skills at once to get fully. I consider it a compound exercise of magic. Not to full manifestation, which is largely a waste of energy for everyday things. Being in their presence bas a way of waking things up that helped solidify the skills I had worked on.

And I’m one of those that believes magic is like a muscle and needs to be used to grow. Slow and steady, but definitely steady.

I gotta get ready for work, so.I’ll cut it short.


Are LARPers always wearing costumes?

Depends what you mean by larp. Here, we mean people role playing about doing magick and imagining what it would be like if they did it…

Usually, in actual, organised, in person LARPs. yes, These cost money to join and attend often, to pay for the space or at least snacks if it’s at someone’s house.

So, the ones I know about do like cosplay including sfx makeup, and that’sa big part of it. You change on site, generally, and don’t go in public unless there’s a time crunch or something.

I joined a LARP one in NJ, which was held once a month in a woodland log cabin. It was kind of like playing Pathfinder, with character classes, point systems, costumes and fake foam seords.
There were about 50 people, and acres of woods and the buildings, whole group battles down to private plot development, feasts and cookouts, all managed by the dungeon masters/authors.
Everybody has a character, race (human/ogre/gargoyle,elf etc), class (warrior/mage/shaman/healer etc) and subplot that fits with the rest.

I would get annoyed at the stories for not reflecting what I understood of reality… “reality”, in folklore. Like the one with “fairy courts” that was so very cliquey and a frankenstein of cultures and ideas.

I got dragged into it by an ex, hated it. Its an extrovert thing and I found it fake, exhausting, stressful and pointless. I would just dissapear into the woods and find real faries to talk to instead, commune with nature, meditate or just listen to music and think… introvert. :joy:


At risk of sounding pretentious, I see magic as not something as I do but something that I am. Then again, most of my practice is Law of Assumption/Law of Belief, a la Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy, which you might find interesting if you have a Christian background or upbringing. So in that sense I am never not doing magic, because I have built up faith in LoA and I have found it becomes easier and easier to control my thoughts/“mental diet”, and there is no effort really involved in using the Law.

Despite that I still do the odd ritual but my day to day life is not structured around praxis. I get up, drag my arse out of bed, work a 9-5 job, come home and watch TV or play video games. Usually I’ll do a modified LBRP (DoM flavoured, also calling Metatron + Sandalphon) in the shower daily.

If I’m doing a ritual or exercise I’ll do it post-shower, pre-sleep: modified LBRP as above, Wim Hof breathing, Invocation of Inner Divinity, and then generally either a known pathworking, a DoM connective rite or an AAoM petition/connective rite, or every so often, an experimental ritual I’m working on for myself.


This is a very good call. Lady_Eva also mentioned a self evaluation for me once, and that was also helpful, as was @Uncle-Al sending me the mastic test; and in general magical goal setting and … it occurs to me with your suggestion of sending petition spells once a week is also a good call, sort of a project manager of sorts.

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I guess it is time for me to do more evocation for the magical goal setting and project management via petitions, and to learn astrology, geomancy and planetary and zodiacal magic.
I also guess it is time for me to get up early and go shopping at Michaels Arts and Crafts store.
A couple dowels for wands, cutouts for sigils and such, paint, markers, beads for mandalas and rosaries, Posterboard.

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Yeah man, I try to look at things from that perspective. It works for me anyway.


Shit! I almost forgot about the Halloween Store.

God that’s always alot fun. Did you ever read the magickal tool book by I think it was the Cicero’s. It’s a golden dawn style tutorial on fabrication of alot of this stuff. I followed the instructions and things turned out damn nice

Update, Donald Michael Kraig did a real good job of. Explaining that too in his book modern magick.

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Yeah, them, Denning, Ashe, Zalewski, Griffin, these are just a few that I used to have, I had damn near the entire Golden Dawn bookstore. Gave them away to a Witch friend.

Yeah, I have paint and brushes and have had a constant art urge. I guess now that my hours are less than the last job, I have more time for reading, writing, and the arts.

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I like working with the gesso and acrylic for my tools. Yeah I had griffin and denning too. Excellent sources.

I totally think you should go for it man :love_you_gesture:

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