Seeing and hearing spirits

Is there any good method for improving spirit communication and opening the third eye ?


Full possession dude. They speak though your thoughts when they possess you. Be careful though.

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This has alot of good content from peoples experiences on the how to’s of development and the stages things can progress in as you gain experience.

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There’s also the Ouija board but it summons some powerful spirit from an alternate dimension. That’s really powerful. I do not recommend it, it will f your life up.


Ehh its more likely to attract parasites from what i have heard from others if not ritually charged for contact with a specific spirit. Besides there are more reliable methods available.


I wouldn’t start with full possession. Nor do I believe any entity would just possess you the first time they were summoned by you.

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sigh Not from what I know or have heard around here. As my brother @Dinmiatus stated, it is extremely likely to call parasites. Its like leaving your phone number on a street lamp saying “call me”. Youre bound to get some unwanted attentions.

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Franz Bardons methods in introduction into hermetics

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As for you, OP, Please use the search tool

I used this for a while


I suggest working with your chakras and learning how to activate and empower them. Also you should work with your aura.
These things will help develop yourself as whole, and it will help you with summoning.
For a summoning technique i would suggest using the sigil of the spirit you want to summon.
Take the sigil and stare into it until the lines start to feel like they are “alive” then begin chanting the spirit’s name over and over again.
This should summon the spirit to you.
However, you can use Ea Koetting’s mantra for summoning any spirit. It just depends on what works for you.


Question, instead of full possession as @Lord suggested wouldn’t invocation work just the same?

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Chakra breathing meditations work too if done right.



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Though I’m not yet able to say I have mastered the art of physical evocation, the single biggest step unto successfully being able to perform open eyed, physical evocation that I could ever recommend, for me, happened with making a samadhi lamp and practicing tratakum meditation under it while staring.

That quickly will give a person the ability to trance out with their eyes kept open and unblinking. Doing said exercise and building the lamp from instructions was taken on at the recommendation of Poke Runyon in one of his books, “The Magick of Solomon”.

Although I don’t like the rest of his book at all due to a comparatively Traditional approach, for sake of the two inclusions above, I couldn’t recommend tracking it down enough. Feel free to google it. But I could always put together a how-to thread if enough people here felt they wanted to try.


I would like that

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Use Tarot. Link the tarot to a spirit and let the tarot act as a mediator between you and the spirit :slight_smile: