Scared of eternal hellfire

Yeah I know, the story of job, he made a bet with satan, he let him kill his family and take away his money and cattle or whatever

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Just a friendly reminder: Youtube is NOT a reputable academic resource.


it is now during quarantine :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


There are people all over the world who claim to have seen heaven or hell.
Some might not be honest, but I don’t doubt all of them. I think many people have really experienced it.
That doesn’t mean heaven and hell exist like religion tells us though.

When you die, you go where your soul chooses to go.

The people who claim to have seen hell all used this experience to turn their life around.
And that tells you something. Deep down they KNEW something in their life wrong, and they WANT to change.
The near-death experience was an opportunity for them. The wake up call they needed, provided by their own mind.


On internet not everything is real, no need to believe on everything u see

Bible is metaphoric guide of life, its not exact with exact characters, its just metaphoric guide to divinity

dont be sex criminal or repeat violent acts without purpose and no-one wont come after you…

If you live balanced 6/7 dimension existence you wont ever even hear about hellfire

I wouldnt be scared of “god”


If this bothers you, stop watching it. It’s just fear porn.


Hell is real, there are many types, hell existence maybe is reinforced by christians, catholics, and other believers. Its is possible to go there on the astral body.

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An underrated comment. But on point


3 Hail Mary daily supposedly are a way to avoid hell. The only limit to that I happened to read was about stopping to say the prayer, but it didn’t mention things which aren’t to say or do.

Sure, so is Valhalla, Hel, Elysium, and everything else people have thought up over the years. Just because someone holds up a book and says “This is true”, doesn’t make it so.


If u have incarnated here, welcome to christian hell…this is it. Anyway, wonder whats next, if anything…I’d welcome the heaven of Islam, just don’t let them be virgins. Virgins are too tight…I prefer whores!!!


Anyone can preach anything. Someone could scream at you “follow my god or burn in hell!” Or can say “dont eat spaghetti or the flying spaghetti monster will drown you in tomato sauce!”

My point is, everyone has different beliefs, and those who are hardcore into their faith will say its all true and will do their best to convince others that their way is the right path. But the real truth is that every individual should follow a path they are most comfortable with that they find themselves, not by what others preach about. Me, for a time when i was young i leaned more on a christian side. I prayed to god a lot but barely got an answer back. Over time i began to notice more and more contradictions in the Bible, especially looking into the Old Testament. I dont find a problem with someone looking up to a loving god, but through my mind this wasnt the god for me, because i thought to myself “what god could allow a murderer into heaven if they are a follower, but a good hearted person goes to hell for now following?” I asked myself stuff like that a lot.

Over time i started looking into other things. Back when i was 14 i ended up getting into Wicca. Being a nature lover and enthusiastic about real magic drew me in. I was involved in it for a few years, but i began to wonder if there is a such thing really as demons and satan. I asked myself “if they dont exist, how can pagan gods exist?” Everything has energy to it, and knowing the universe has both light and dark in it, i began to separate myself from a wiccan side and go full eclectic in my magic.

I believe many realms exist. Aside from heaven and hell theres many realms from other cultures that exist because there are many vast planes of existence, at least with my beliefs.

Fear is a healthy thing to have, its okay to wonder what way you should go. Just ask yourself about what you feel and what you believe. Do good research too, not on youtube lol. Beliefs can evolve over time, and for you this can be just the beginning of it.

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Hell would be so much better…can you imagine clouds,harps, and having to worship someone and pretend you love them for eternity? Anyways, most people on the LHP have bad reactions to Yahweh particular when flip flopping back and forth. It’s my belief he’s a parasitic entity that thrives on fear.

Every form of organized religion has taboos with extreme forms of punishment, usually rooted in cultural norms. These exist to keep members of the community in line to maintain public order and become so ingrained in the mind (whether by choice in adulthood or through family traditions) that they become expressed in the subconscious through the form of dreams or how we view the divine, as the form spirits and places are filtered through our minds. That is why acts of blasphemy (or taboo breaking in general) can be extremely powerful for some individuals, as the individual is breaking through psychological restraints that has been introduced to them. So, if we look at heaven and hell as psychological metaphors, there is a sense of reality to them.

Personally, if we look at the Old and New testament literally, I would take the hellfire over heaven’s light based on what the chief deity stands for, which is blind obedience.


The Bible’s like mostly all symbolism , so it is my perception they were referring to states of consciousness and vibration , it’s also my belief that when you die , if you don’t overcome illusions that keep you stuck here , you’ll have to come back , just my thoughts

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You are most likely correct that it was probably not meant to be taken literally. I often wonder if it is intended to actually be a form of poetry. Unfortunately, it often is viewed as literal history,

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I think it was intended to be written for those to take truths from it who were Advanced enough to perceive the knowledge


Its both symbolic and literal in my view, also, i am wrestling with the idea that the Old testament God (Jewish god) and the Father that Jesus referred to, are not the same, also, yeah, in the the old testament, the Israelite god was pretty strict, but it was for the Jews, i think he is calm now, though we see the strictness in the Quran as well, i think He was so in the past but he’s chill now

Religion is generally where spirituality goes from personal to political.