Scanning, scrying, and accuracy of it

To me, scrying, divining and scanning are different things but all correspond to one goal - to know what it is, whatever it actually is.

I use tarot cards, and attempt to scry through black coffee in my mug.

I recently, for My Celtic Adventure, scanned the items used and had interesting responses. Scanned as if you would an item one of us had, even by a photo.

But the question, as always, is results, or in this case accuracy
To me, tarot is a fifty fifty shot for a couple reasons - one, the client can take or leave the advice, or I can be off base or having a bad clair day.

But with scanning, the accuracy to me from me, is still questionable, even as a beginner to scanning.

Scrying however, by black mirror of black coffee, is what I guess I need to learn while opening/developing chakras and Clair’s, and other stuff.

So how do we scan or scry, and how do we determine our accuracy?

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I practiced scanning with a friend, for some time. She said I did pick up some stuff… but then had to explain it to me because otherwise it made no damn sense, so I’ve concluded that I either A) suck at scanning or B) scanning is not reliable method to get information, so I’ve ditched it, at least for the time being.

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Practice with photos.
Get a hundred photos that are dramatic, not overcomicated but interesting and feel good. Don’t look at them. Number them. Pick a number snd scan.
Write down your impressions.

Then look at the photos and you have your feedback on what impressions were correct.
Give yourself a point for each impression that matches. Count how many impressions there were, that gives you a percentage accuracy.

You can get remote viewing practice resources online for this, there’s about 400 plus at farsight’s website.


Awesome @Mulberry . . Will look at the site and try suggestions from you and @ReyCuervo

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That’s normal, you sort of get jigsaw puzzle pieces, and have to keep asking questions until the picture builds up. The conscious mind wants to interpret it right away but the info comes too piecemeal, like looking at a scene but only this line, or noticing a sense of airiness, or a certain smell. It’s not enough to identify accurately the whole thing let alone context, but each piece is still correct.

when you start, this stage is the hardest to complete and can take months of practice, but if you keep at it you get more and more until you start basically bilocating or getting a full astral experience, clairsentient downloads, and bunches more, everything your subconsciuous senses.

Its known, rarely, for remote viewers to even start apporting stuff back with them, the visit is very real, so it’s not a bad thing it takes a while to develop. One rver viewed a battle and came back with blood that wasnt his on his shirt, lyn buchanan broke his leg in a target scene and it broke in the actual real time session… it’s ok to be careful.

A good idea for scanning is to view a copy of the thing, not the actual thing. For some people, and always entities, can see you viewing them. You might not always want that.