Scan & scry the selfie of the person above you (no Tarot please)

Thank you I always thought their would be Celtic spirits but that is great I have both of them as ancestors! Thanks :pray:t4: for the reading

Thank you but what do you mean by journaling, just noting this down ??


Your energy is very well cultivated, you seem to be very far on your path. I cant tell much else about your energy cause it seems shrouded, but it also feels like thats somewhat intentional

Of course! Im glad i could help!!!

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I mean like writing out your feelings and emotions, take note of things that get you down, mad or bitter write how things make you feel, etc. It seems like it nostly comes feom inward negative emotions

first one had a bad background sorry

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I get the image of a king cobra when scanning your energy, i get the feeling that your pretty skilled at manifestation, your energy feels very wisened. I also get the impression that youd be a good gambler

Its really difficult to sense your energy, i can tell your aura is green though which means that you’re likely attuned to nature or a healer, possibly both? , but by any chance are you new to magic?

I wanna play too :joy:


Sooo does that mean if i work with hecate, it will be easier for me??
Like u said that time my energy seems connected with hecate??

@xWhoville love your eyes :two_hearts:

And also when I was writing this was little poltergeist activity with lighting :sweat_smile:

Seeing you and I had the spontaneous
sensation of a brown and poweful sandstorm

I’m curious to see what I get. Be as detailed as you can!

based on your name cause I can’t find your picture, I see strength, but you are doubtful. I also have this feeling creeping up my spine that there’s something very wrong in your life. If so I hope you get out of it ok.


i see bright energy around you. Pink and blue aura swirling around

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You are truly going to rule the universe one day. You always growing and getting stronger and your path to king of the universe is getting clearer and clearer. You are even more ambitious then your godform which has always had me in awe.


@Nolan_Toney I’m new to scrying but I’ll give it a shot. I see warmth. You ever come across those rare souls who make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? That’s what I get. I see a heart as big as the ocean.

I’m not a fan of taking selfies. I pulled one with a plain background off my ig. I was showing off my magick get homework done potion lol.

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