Satalos information etc

Found some more info just now with regards to above statements

Not much else on the web actually however some YouTube videos on Satalos as can be seen in post


Is she a member? or is it more of a spiritual thing?

Its a total spiritual thing. I am so sorry for being a jerk on this thread. It is just I just wish other people knew half what I do. Its hard on me.

I just want to protect people from this shit. I am not lying about this. Tiamat is their mother and the grounding force for the Gatekeepers for this planet.

Balg as failed because they didn’t incorporate her into this path working. I hope Mr. Kendall knows I only want him to be safe and to succeed.

I only joined in the hopes to get this information out there to help people. I want to make sure people are okay.


Maybe make a new thread about working with her for this? :thinking:

Theoretically should be possible, maybe all the rain people mentioned (and we have a freak heavy shower outside right now, even though it’s been heatwaves all week) is relevant?


No worries @Purple I do understand.

Thanks for your input
If possible I’d be interested to hear more on your views regarding the connection with Satalos it might explain some more on that aspect as well…
And just to add I’m from the southern point in Africa and it has been hot as hell for weeks…
Since yesterday just pissing rain


Here you go folks:


Check out my thread about them as a couple and their kids. I shall be adding more info to it. We need to pull from the entire family, honestly.


There is more information you need. Namma comes before Tiamat. Not sure if you knew this information. I highly advise working into your spiritual path, if possible.

Namma, in later accounts, she is Tiamat.

Her name was originally Shenoma, meaning Beautiful Wind in old Atlantis. She as millions of names across this universe and the greater dimensions. I also call her Babylon or the Red One or Red Dragon.

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Thank You. This is the information I needed to know. I appreciate your help.

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This actually helps me with my current path working. I had not heard of Namma and am wondering if there is a connection between her and Naamah, as both seem connected to the earth. Only way to find out would be to evoke both. But I digress.

As far as Satalos and Tiamat, I am not entirely sure. I have worked with both but have yet to ask them about a relationship between the two, so I can only speculate. They have a similiar vibe yet very different. Yet another thing to add on my never ending list of exploration.

Is satalos a meta god? In my experience, yes and no. On one hand, he does embody the energy of the gate keepers but he also seems to have an underlining current all of his own. They definitely are connected and have a similiar agenda but I will have to dive deeper into his current to come up with better conclusions by working with him more.

That’s my two cents on everything discussed so far. To summarize, there is a lot that I still need to discover on my own, as I certainly do not have all the answers, but I have picked up my own Gnosis on this very interesting journey so far.


I hope you will share your findings on this topic.


I definitely will. It will likely be awhile since I am currently neck deep in my current pathworking with the Qliphoth but I will get there. It has struck my curiosity and hunger for knowledge far too much for me to let it go lol

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I will keep the forum abreast about them on my own thread so not to derail this one. I hope you will share anything you might get it, please post it over on mine, if you feel inclined to.

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Why would a Hebrew be a Goddess of Creation? Makes no sense.

She’s associated with being the wife of King Solomon. And with Noah, but a name is never mentioned with Noah. Just speculation. So, I do not think there is a link.

Not sure why this intrigues me; however, I will stay on my path with the Egyptian Goddess linked with “the laws”.

Unfortunately there are two Naamahs in Hebrew tradition. The first is the one you mentioned while the other is a demoness mentioned as one of the consorts of Samael in the Zohar and has been associated with the one of the spheres of the Qliphoth associated with the more primal aspect of the Earth or physical plane if we view it as the opposite of its Sephiroth.

I was wondering if there is a connection between the goddess and demoness, not Noah’s/Solomon’s wife.

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Thanks! I’m not familiar with this book, but will do some research.

Also, does the name Naher mean anything to you?

And I found my answer.

Naher is Yam.

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Question here : this red queen you speak of …who is she ? Is she a female form of Satan or Lucifer? I ask this because in one channeling I had with a friend with lucifuge, I recall hearing about the mother of Lucifuge. Is this red queen his mother ?

Just asking as I though I was dealing with a parasite, but maybe not

Babylon or Tiamat. Her many names.