Salt circles

How quality or safe is making a circle with salt.
Any tips or info about it?

Time tested method, try it and see for yourself. What works for some doesn’t always work for all, because in the end it’s not the salt, it’s you that makes it work.

Personally I use an old bedsheet I painted a circle on. I open the circle with a blue energy circle following the lines in vision.


That’s great

It depends where you do your workings but salt is not really the best. There are better mixes of powder like eggshell, pepper and empowered with the ashes of burned sigils from different workings. For qliphothic and necromancy workings try a chicken bones, flesh and organs circle especially some packs of chicken hearts :wink:

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This is very interesting and to me but have give it a try

for casting a circle i use a rope thats dyed to look like a snake, portable and easy to carry around on my wanderings.

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Dyed in what, can you elaborate for me? I find your method also very useful

not dyed with anything special (black berries from my vines), i carved a snake head for it out of wood. it’s not a circle in the sense of protecting or keeping things out, more akin to surrounding myself with the ability of snake. which does do those things, but is more for “seeing” thru truth and lies, both protection and attacking, the line that separates reality from the astral etc.

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