Sad on Halloween, give me the strongest spell to bring my ex back

Thank you :heart:

Thank you so much :heartpulse:

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Thank you so much this really does mean a lot :heart: I totally agree with everything you said. Although I am going through that process and my emotions are up and down, deep down I am sure that it’s right for us to be together. If he had left me over a lack of love I wouldn’t even try. But he was so in love with me and only left because of immature fights here and there. I want to focus on feeling better and learning magick but a part of me feels like I’ll never fully feel the same. You’re right though I need to leave it for a bit and not let it take over my mind because that’s pointless

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Hi this message means a lot to me. Thank you so much. Deep down I know it is right for us to come together because of what we had but I will take what you said into deep consideration :heartpulse:


if it is right, it will happen, at least thats how i look at it

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Do a lot of Magick , to get on with your Life ! No concern if your doing it right or whatever. Do Magick to improve your health, finances, spirituality, removal of negativity, etc. Open to other opportunities, they will indeed come, if your ready to receive them. Magick works, maybe not the way we would like it to but, results do show up.

To Honor “Sitri” tasking fulfilled, an enjoyable sensual experience !


@TinyGirl, I once went through a very similar situation as you. Due to the personal nature of it, I’m going to send you a PM. It may or may not help, but either way, hang in there. You have your whole life still ahead of you.

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Thank you!

I’m in a similar situation, I think patience and let go is the key, I can’t help but get readings to find out what’s going through the other persons mind, but I have heard we shouldn’t do that… it’s almost like I’m telling myself that it’s not working so I have to get someone to check!!!

On the other hand what kind of spell do u hush recommend?

I also get the vibe that the advice you are getting on here isn’t registering to you at all. We all get blinders when we are emotionally attached to something, and you are getting good advice.

Heres what I would recommend if I was you in this stack hopefully you have the eyes to read this:

I’d first do inner alchemy work with the book ‘Angels Of Alchemy’ by Gallery of Magick to work on your lust for results, and for healing. Do each ritual for 7 days straight. So you are looking at two weeks just working on yourself.

Then I would grab 72 angels of magick by GOM and find the angel that can return love to you. There is a few in the book pick the one that speaks to you and run it. Thats an 11 day ritual.

Then you could stack it with DOM and choose one of the workings to bring an ex back.

You absolutely need to change your inner before your outer is going to change. You right now are vibrationally in a very Needy/Validation seeking place.

Hopefully you take this advice because a quick fix is just going to have you chasing your tail.


I remember first starting out that someone told me to do a honey jar, and it would take nine days. And I was like… Nine days? That’s way too long :frowning:

That was about 11 months ago lol

@TinyGirl, don’t do what I did. The sooner you get started, the sooner it’ll be done. You don’t want to get to a month from now without seeing any results and think, “if only I had started what @Awake had said to do back then, maybe things would be different”

I kmow month or two is going to seem like an eternity. But it’s going to feel that way regardless, so why not take up the time with something like that?

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Yeah, and also to do add to it I’ve noticed when you avert your energy to yourself, and start doing the inner work you naturally start letting go of attachment. The feelings are still there but you aren’t obsessing over whatever it is you are obsessing about.

She’s probably also somewhat momentarily addicted to the feeling of attaching herself to him so even the idea of doing inner work and ‘letting go’ feels like "NO! I need it now’ -not understanding that in order to bring him back the attachment needs to be resolved.

She’s got better advice on here than she’ll find anywhere not to mention spending the $35 bucks or whatever the books in total cost is a cheap price for profound change.

Lastly, I say after all of the work with angels if she wanted to throw a honey jar at the end that could amplify everything.


Also important to temper expectations.
One thing I see on here a lot that just honestly pisses me off is people saying how much incredible success they’ve had, how easy it was, how fast results came in… Seeing that can be really damaging to morale about your own efforts after months of nothing working. So don’t go expecting something will manifest in any amount of time, guaranteed… Divination can help get an idea of a time frame, but even then, nothing is set in stone.
Try not to get your hopes up too much when you see people saying they had results in days, hours, minutes… Every situation is different, you can’t base your expectations too much on what other people claim to have experienced. If you do, you’ll just end up hurt by what’s likely going to be a failure for someone just starting out. That being said, can’t hurt to try, right? Just don’t expect every spell claiming to have the power of a genie in a bottle to actually be as strong as it claims.


Looking for shortcuts and ended up waiting more, “miracles” expectations… Been there, done that. Oh well, it’s a matter of stick at it and trying to improve.

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