Sacred Geometry and its magick uses


Here is a site that has many Sacred Geometrical patterns to cause internal shifts and changes. Baphomet put me on to the one titled inner knowing and I had good results, including a premonition of an impending attack that was later verified.

I thought I’d throw these out there and invite anyone to try them out and see how they work for them as well. Just gaze i to the pattern and while using the intention meditation and see what happens, you may be pleasantly surprised.


Ill give it a go

When I start with my Spacial Magic (Thanks Sevarn!) Ill def try those. Thanks Man!

This stuff fascinates me, and lot of those remind me of tibetan mandalas and yantras. (like my avatar!)

If you’d like to try Sacred Geometry you can hold in your hand, Ive had a lot fun experiences with this star tetrahedron merkaba model.

The fact that you make it yourself and then can apply any colors or patterns desired makes it a rather powerful exercise in my opinion.

Ill try a few of these tonight and report back.

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Bumping this thread cause it’s very interesting.Also yesterday i had a feeling-idea to use some of the crop circles patterns as sigils and open them to see if there’s something behind them.

Hmmm… has anyone tried that? Using crop circle symbols as sigils?

I use that tree of life circle grid thing to help structure my sigils. It really brings them together. For instance, the grid suggested the ears in the below sigil for the Rat Guard, an egregore to protect against magic attack.


Indeed its fascinating! For me its nothing knew because in the past I was channeling arcturian messages and had similar shapes given to me which helped me in manipulation of blood and heat within it. Very interesting to say the least~

Regarding geometric forms, they can be used effectively for destruction magick. I am not totally knowledgeable about what this ritual signifies, but the core of it is of supreme important to the magician:

[url=]Palo Mayombe/ Lucero fula - YouTube

remember, the mathematical measurements of the lines of your sigils tell a story. Just imagine dolling up a working similar to the video with effigies, photgraphs, powders, oils, and blood, and using more hard angles, because, according to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth baneful spirts move in hard angles. Best used, i do believe in a ritual chamber with a concrete floor, as a working like that may require a totem fetish and calling of the quarters, etc.

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Curiousity as to why they move in hard angles =) I’m not asking just posing the question as I find it a little interesting.

Thoth refers to them as “Hounds of the Barrier.” In Emerald Tablet VIII he says:

Know ye, the HOUNDS of the Barrier
move only through angles
and never through curves of space.
Only by moving through curves
can ye escape them,
for in angles they will pursue thee.

He is referring to astrally projecting to the end of the universe. However many belief systems view hard angles, like the ones in the hexagram, square and compass, etc as having a damaging effect on the human spirit. In Feng Shui, they are called “poison arrows” and even the little pointy angel fish cichlids you have in your aquarium are seen to bring negativity into your life.

It’s because perfect angles don’t exist in nature very readily. When things crystalize however angles can form from heat pressure etc. These energies hot/cold, angle/curve polar opposite, duality of existence… in the spiritual like forces attract so that should answer the question, no more confusion. It’s not that angles are evil nor are the hounds they just perform a function.

Also curves flow and angles stop and go just so you know

There have been a few posts on here about evoking spirits into corners, I seem to recall. The angle of two planes joining providing something of a gateway.

There have been a few posts on here about evoking spirits into corners, I seem to recall. The angle of two planes joining providing something of a gateway.[/quote]
That’s exactly right because an angle is a stoping point where direction is changed. When we think about it in a metaphorical sense it is what you are trying to do, stop the energies and redirect them.

There have been a few posts on here about evoking spirits into corners, I seem to recall. The angle of two planes joining providing something of a gateway.[/quote]
That’s exactly right because an angle is a stoping point where direction is changed. When we think about it in a metaphorical sense it is what you are trying to do, stop the energies and redirect them.[/quote]

To me it was always a much more human thing. I’ve always seen the corner as a sort of crossroads.

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Yeah the planes as in the astral or physical etc meet at the angle of our perception.

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I just saw the posts about spirits in corners.

When I was considering where to set up my altar, I was guided to placing it in my corner. I had already seen the forms of spirits appearing there, so that’s why I thought I was guided to it.

Later, I heard E.A. talk on a video about how pyramids are gateways. It was just an off-handed comment during a conversation he had with someone.

So yeah, definitely something to corners in my own experience.

Hmmmm… its an interesting topic…
You guys need to read “The ancient secrets of the flower of life” By Drunvalo Melchizedek. There are 2 parts.
It’s a very good book and gives you and idea of how some Egyptian symbols are created and also how other myriad of natural things are formed. The author also gives an important practical meditation technique to incorporate the sacred geometric pattern for ascension.
The author also talks about his meeting and conversations with Thoth. About Atlantis, Martians, etc.

P.S. : How about opening a digital library in this forum where we can upload and download papers/books/research’s etc contributed by other members. :slight_smile: (:

Last time I spoke to Timothy about the forum, he said he wasn’t really into adding new sections because it may be being upgraded at some point, but when I speak to him again I’ll mention this. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, also please don’t forget to mention about constraints, such as “the library should/can only be accessed by advanced members who have joined one year ago && who has contributed 150-200 posts and who has 300-400 likes”.
I’m not being harsh, It’s just to save the documents, ebooks from possible exploitation because people normally signup for those assets only.
I hope you’re getting what I’m trying to say… (: