As the title says, I’m planning on an extensive ritual (or at least, extensive to me) tonight to attempt to evoke President Marbas to visible manifestation (or as an objectively audible voice). I thought I would write out my plans and ask if any of you, particularly those of you that have had success with visible or auditory manifestations of demons, had input.
Tonight is the full moon, and I’ll be doing the ritual between midnight at 3 AM. I’m going to start with a simple incantation to open the gate - I’ll use Crowley’s, which is “Zazas, zazas, nasatanada zazas”. My understanding is that it loosely translates to “Open, open, gates of Hell open”. While doing that, I’ll light my dedicated candle for Marbas, which is a tea light that has his hand-drawn and blood-anointed sigil at the bottom, which is visible when the candle has been lit for a while and the wax melts:
After doing so, I’ll draw out his sigil again (I have a geometry set to do it properly now) and anoint it with my blood, which I get using a diabetic lancing device. The purpose is to sacrifice a small part of myself to him to forge a bond and give him something to latch onto to help him ‘come through’.
At this point, I’ll begin chanting his enn, which is “Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Marbas”. As I do this, I will light an orange beeswax candle (I have six - how many should I use?) that I ordered specifically for him because his colour is orange. I’ll also light several tea lights and arrange them around myself to form a kind of ritual circle. All of the tea lights will be in mercury glass holders - although it’s not real mercury (which is his metal), I figured it was worth a try anyways based on the name alone.
Once I feel a weak sense of his presence, I’ll start chanting an evocation incantation I found on BALG, which can be substituted for any spirit, which here would be “Me’culla secala vrashanka ma Marbas”. While I’m chanting, I’ll light incense I also bought specifically for him. His incense is storax, which I couldn’t get in time for the full moon (it’s coming on Monday instead probably), so I’m substituting it with benzoin (which is very similar) incense sticks that I also ordered specifically for him.
All the lights will be turned off, and my hope is that all that candlelight and incense smoke will give enough energy and base to him to pull together a visible manifestation (or, alternatively, an audible voice, whichever is easier for him). Is there anything else I can be doing that I haven’t thought of already? I want to maximize my chances of success tonight.