Rites of Lucifer book

I was reading the ‘Rites of Lucifer’ book by Asenath Mason and I was wondering if the mask of the Adversary is the satanic aspect of Lucifer.



I would call it the xtian aspect of him, since the adversary is a xtian concept. I have no time for it as I don’t recognise there to be anything worth being adversarial to.

I’m in the camp that views “Satan” as a title that when called could be answered by many different entities, or a few at once. I’m not sure if that’s how the draconian-minded folks see it though.


So the Xtian Satan…

No. The xtian view of the entity they label as Lucifer.

“Adversary” is a xtian concept.

You need to know, xtianities whole thing has been about violently conquering and converting pagan religions, stealing parts of them to help conversion, and then claiming they had the “Truth” all along. That makes everything that isn’t xtian against xtian, and “adversarial”.
That old: “If you aren’t with me you against me.” aggressive, intolerant bullshit.

The devil and satan are xtain tools to personify every other entity that any peoples found value in as “against them” and “evil”… By marking them as the enemy they used that as an excuse to dehumanise and murder the people that worked with them.

Now I’m going to have an unpopular opinion here:
Draconianism, Luciferianism, satanism, these are inherently xtian religions and philosophies. Created out of, fueled by and given reason to exist by xtianity.
They adopt and use xtian language and concepts, totally - ALL of them. I suppose they think they can turn them on their head and fight fire with fire?

I think, it just makes them xtians 2.0.
I see a luciferian, even someone using a cross, and I have zero doubt I’m looking at a xtian. Pretty much everything that comes out of their mouths at that point is highly suspect.

They believe in ideas like redemption, damnation, sin, communion, fallen, demon, devil, angel - all completely xtian, tied inextricably with the xtian model of the universe, which is basically the insistence that only the tiny bits of the astral that belong to yahweh exist and all humans are assigned on of these prisons - they are both astral prisons and nothing more - when they die. Many humans willingly buy into this and do it, whether they call themselves draconians or xtians doesn’t really matter, they drank the koolaid either way.

So use these resources for all they’re worth, but be careful for signs of taint of dogmatic idiocy in your practice. It will be there, most likely in the form of damaging guilt mongering aka “sin” - the brainwashed can’t help themselves, use them, don’t join them.

The most important thing, is to remain sovereign. Never, ever bend the knee, and the universe is yours.



Of course it is cause Lucifer said so to speak enough of that blinding light bullshit and created his own reality where He is the Emperor :heart:

I approach Magick from a Jungian perspective. It’s the idea that archetypes have been created relating to deities through the collective unconscious of billions of individuals. For me Lucifer represents the light bringer, the sun, Venus, etc… etc… However, I won’t deny that due to about 2000 years of indoctrination a new deific mask/aspect/archetype has been created, that aspect being known as “The Devil”, “Satan”, “The Dragon”, etc… etc… So in that sense, there is a part of Lucifer that has been given that title which can be called upon if the need arises.

However, as you said, there are many “Satan’s” such as Belial, Beelzebub, Sameal, etc… etc… Part of the reason being is that these entities have all been given that title as well through the Jungian collective unconscious because of the archetypes created around these entities through the aforementioned 2000 years of indoctrination.