Right hand path detailed description?

So I’ve been reading around and it seems there’s some beef :cut_of_meat: concerning the 2 ideologies. So is right hand path just code for religious or Yahuwah believer? Or is it more about just being good to others?


I think there is a lot of misunderstanding about what, exactly, RHP and LHP, actually are. However, the most distinct difference is the Right Hand is concerned about unity with the Divine, whereas the Left Hand is more concerned with retaining individuality while also attaining divinity.

A lot of RHP ideologies also focus on rejecting the material world, while the LHP focuses on embracing it.

The RHP has nothing to do with Yahweh directly. You will find that most pagan beliefs are actually Right Hand as well, and even some forms of Satanism. It could be said to be basically be any path that bows to an outside authority and has external codes of conduct as to what is and isn’t acceptable.


@DarkestKnight interesting… So one is basically about rebellion against the divine order and the other about loyalty to the divine order. INTERESTING*** lol. In that case, I’m going Right hand path :eyes:. If the magic is just faith based, then connecting to the divine source would be the wisest I believe.


@DarkestKnight do you mean what Curtisology is implying that LHP magicians do not (ever) connect to a divine source?

Lords of Left Hand Path makes the distinction between the two paths in a detailed way, rooting it back to Tantric disciplines. Check it out if you want to.

Personal opinion? One hand doesn’t do much, two hands clap.


No, only that they seek to maintain individuality, rather than total merger.


Thanks for the clarification! I was a bit confused.

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Debate time!! @DarkestKnight Why would you want to maintain what you believe to be yourself when you could just become something better and have way more? Serious question.

For me that’s like saying “If you fall in line, I will reward you”. That sounds great yes?

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You can become a better version of yourself by yourself, no?


Why do you automatically assume it will be “better?”

It’s not so great when you are required to do something you don’t want to do. That’s what cults, and dictators do, and those never end well for those who “fall in line.”


@anon4083462 Of course but so far life has taught me that if you it’s through denying what I want for myself that I usually get the most reward. The LHP is a BRILLIANT philosophy I must proudly admit, but it doesn’t seem to be as effective for me* personally. I enjoy being told what to do & guided by a higher power

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Thank y’all for assisting me in clearing up the differences though (:

Eh, you’re a trusting soul :slight_smile: Why assume you will get any reward, that this … thing… you’re not even sure exists or how to describe, will give you what you expect, or that you will like it? If the reward is your whole spirit being subsumed into the All, then there’s nothing left of you to be rewarded anyway, so… what’s the point of that?

I’m not a fan of bowing down to others for some hoped for reward. Seems like a mug’s game.


@Mulberry Thats just the thing though. I’m not really motivated by my personal wants as much. I mean obviously I am like everybody is but without a set direction or “plan”, life is meaningless. What good is being your own god with nothing to compare your ascension goal to? Ultimately a strict God / father figure just suits some more than others I guess


I see your point and I agree with you.

The RHP Judeo christian Islamic faiths have . mastered this type of approach.

“Everything happens for a reason, just trust divine providence you’ll be fine”

That absolutely doesn’t work for me anymore.

I flat out reject the RHP, it’s brought me nothing but weakness and misery and spiritual stagnation.

Hail Sitrah Ahra!


Some people really need structure and need to be told what to do and what’s right and wrong.


It can be rather complex. I think @Timothy pointed it out well in his Black Magic Manifesto, way back in 2013 I believe. Maybe earlier. He pointed out the entire Black Magic or LHP Philosophy in a nutshell, but rather complete.
I think there are many RHP philosophies that dont agree with each other and causes severe complications to the followers of the RHP. Take Wicca vs Norse Magic, there would seem to be built-up warrior energy that has no exit point of release than through acts in ritual.
I think RHP is generally white magick oriented groups, some cult like some outright cults, and solitaries forge their path through blood sweat and tears.
I think RHP seeks to maintain an idea of good, and tries to maintain a sense of justice while being hands off to others.

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@Nightside hands off? And it’s a really hard choice for me tbh… on one hand, I want to rise by following a set path and the other I want to be free to do as I want. The “middle path” to me is garbage. By being neutral, you don’t get the fullness of either power.

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Sounds like a nice problem to have.

I recommend working on staying healthy and problem free then. You’ll miss it if you don’t have it :slight_smile:

I would say it’s more like you get the best of all worlds, by not limiting yourself to one docrine or set of tools. Perhaps that’s not “grey” I don’t use that term, I have my own personal code that I live by and I don’t pay a lot of attention to who that matches with. I don’t care about being a joiner or other people’s labels.

I might say, you may not really know what you want until you try it, and see how it really feels… we can intellectualize and try to predict how we feel, but it often surprises us what actually happens in the event of it. This is my experience, anyway.

I think you just have to live your life and try things out as you go. Make the best predictions you can, but don’t lock yourself in to a way until you’ve the personal experience to back the opinion up

Then see how you feel about it afterwards. If you didn’t like a thing you did, don’t do it again, if you did, add that to your way of doing things.


I agree with that. I’d even go so far as to say it’s illusory.