Reversing "The Lord's Prayer" To LHP Intent

Recently I’ve been working on creating a LHP-oriented inversion of “The Lord’s Prayer” because the “reversed and blackened afrin” (religious blessing) in Ford’s book Gates Of Dozak, that EA used in his Azi Dahaka video, really had an impact while I was carrying my daemonic child (I’m only including links coz this is all “WTF”-worthy stuff otherwise to anyone who’s just joined).

Also, the “unbaptism” I did of myself as part of this was surprisingly powerful - even though I wasn’t raised Xian, I had to recite their stuff sometimes at school, what amounts of spells against my own power and godhood, and removing it kind of bowled me over for a good few hours, so I wanted to over-write that with something positive.

Anyway, try as I might, the main power boiled down to a simple statement, so I’m posting it here for other people to try out:

My Kingdom come
My Will be done

That’s it. I’ve been repeating it steadily whilst doing preparatory work of any kind over the past week or so, and in the moments before beginning the working proper, and it builds a force within me that has at least personal significance for me, and hopefully will be useful to other people here.

Everything I tried adding to those two lines just detracted from the impact, no matter how carefully I crafted the words - so, there you have it, the ultimate Left-Hand Path prayer perhaps?

If anyone tries it, please post your experiences, personal improvements/edits, and so on, if possible.


One limitation from my current viewpoint is the implicit future pacing in the first line which implies your kingdom is not yet present.

Perhaps that is your intention?

[quote=“NariusV, post:2, topic:3558”]One limitation from my current viewpoint is the implicit future pacing in the first line which implies your kingdom is not yet present.

Perhaps that is your intention?[/quote]

Well, the way it feels to me is like when you do an evocation and say “N, come” so it’s more like bringing that awareness into being right at that moment, so that it’s then present once the work begins, if that makes sense?

It could also be rendered as:

My Kingdom is come
My Will now be done


It’s an idea for everyone to play with and alter! :slight_smile:


In the context of an incantation or calling it seems powerful.

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Paul Huson suggested reading it backwards to detatch from any old ties and hang ups to Xianity.

I found one spelled phonetically:

Nema! Livee morf su revilled tub
Noishaytpment ootni ton suh deel
Suh tshaiga sapsert tath yeth
Vigrawf eu za sespsert rua suh vigrawf.
Derb ilaid rua yed sith suh vig
Neveh ni si az thre ni
Nud eeb liw eyth
Muck mod-ngik eyth
Main eyth eeb dwohlah
Neveh ni tra chioo
Rertharf rua!

Source: [url=][/url]


perhaps? im ( ) .i walk along the kingdom of darknes.proclaim my ( spirt.namme.or godses) my will will be voice will be ( ya stile
belief.ocult name).cant translate good.but ya get idea.

You know, I always get myself imagining a Christian Woodstock. People high on acid glorifying the name of God, people fucking everywhere in name of Jesus. People tatooing “Jesus is the Savior” while snorting some coke. What about an Ozzyfest version of it? LOL!


Hmm, I think the first version is in the present tense rather than the future?
In portuguese, it would be:
Meu Reino Veio/Chegou (Present tense)
Minha vontade será feita (Future tense)

Hmm… I wonder if it should be instead:
Meu Reino Veio/Chegou (Present tense)
Minha vontade foi feita(Present tense)

Actually, does the time of the prayer matter? As long as you view yourself as the God?

I prefer the future sense, as it shows ambition.
If you assume you have your kingdom already, isn’t that like being content with having…like, a house, a loving mate, some kids, sufficient amounts of money, as an example.

Don’t you want more?

It is relative in that we have different desires, but I fail to see the point of saying that your kingdom has come when having a tiny slice of the world.

But perhaps that is just me.

[quote=“Alarich Valstella, post:10, topic:3558”]I prefer the future sense, as it shows ambition.
If you assume you have your kingdom already, isn’t that like being content with having…like, a house, a loving mate, some kids, sufficient amounts of money, as an example.

Don’t you want more?

It is relative in that we have different desires, but I fail to see the point of saying that your kingdom has come when having a tiny slice of the world.

But perhaps that is just me.[/quote]

I interpret “My kingdom come” as in you’re asking/commanding your kingdom to come. A silly, but accurate comparison is when you call your dog to come, “Rover-Come”. You’re asking it to come to you, which will happen in the future tense.

It could also be a combination of present and future-tense, in the sense of law of attraction, where whatever you render to be in the future already exists for you, you just haven’t seen it materialize yet. So by calling our kingdom to come, you’re asking for what is (to be) to manifest.

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Thanks a lot :blush:


Lets see-heres my take on it
Our Father who art in heaven becomes. My soul which belongs to me
Thy kingdom come thy will be done- My kingdom come, my will be done
On Earth as it is in heaven-As above, so below
Give us this day our daily bread-I will take this day, my daily bread
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us-(I’m not really sure)
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil-If I am tempted, my will be done-deliever me from fear
For yours is the kingdom now until forever-For this is my own kingdom now and forever


@Lady_Eva I totally get it! As it fits in with how I feel quite often along with how I was brought up with the Lord’s Prayer. Which I’ll explain a bit more about more below.

As a child, I was brought up in the Roman Catholic church. I attended an all girls Catholic College for my entire school years.

One thing Catholicism gave me was an appreciation of sacred ritual during our Masses. Along with what “ritual really means” on a deeply spiritual level.

I used to really love the strong incense in the censer filling the church with such beautiful scents that used to seem heavenly to me.

Along with the beautiful altars, the Priests often different coloured robes, the candles, the chalice, the statues etc. along with the whole ritual of the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

As I was a chorister for many years, I almost felt sacred and close to God when singing medieval chants, prayers and psalms during my youth.

Even nearly all my teachers at school were either Nuns or Jesuit Priests. Jesuit Priests are the scholarly priests of the Roman Catholic Church and I certainly learnt a lot from them over the years.

So even though I obviously no longer believe in all the doctrine of the church anymore, they did give me a really good education apart from just religion.

The Priests especially encouraged me to study all different religions if I chose to. Along with multiple beliefs systems to really find out the truth of what spirituality really meant to me.

I am so thankful that I knew such educated and broad minded Christians. As sadly so many that have been brought up in the church never have the opportunity that I was given.

I honestly don’t care what religion or belief system anyone chooses to follow. What’s important to me is “are they a good, honest and decent person to know or not”? That makes the decision for me on whom to keep close and whom to stay away from.

We all learn from one another by sharing with one another what our true beliefs are. I realise that this isn’t possible for everyone but sometimes it’s well worth doing so if you can.

If people were more accepting of one another’s differences? Just imagine how wonderful this world could really be.

We are all spiritual beings inside this frail finite mortal human body of ours.

The more we accept our similarities instead of our differences, the happier and more enlightened we all shall be.

Thanks again @Lady_Eva for your post. It’s been enlightening because it’s reminded me of the good things that I have learnt from Christianity instead of focusing on the bad.

For that I thank you.:pray:




The unbaptism rite (reciting the Lord’s Prayer for Catholics, or Sinner’s Prayer backward, for Protestants/Charismatics) is explained in Paul Huson’s book Mastering Witchcraft.

It’s a powerful rite, and you see things when you do it. I won’t explain.

When i did it, i looked up the IPA spelling of each word and wrote it backward, then pronounced the words using IPA letters. That took awhile, but gave a different pronunciation to the backward spelling, closer to listening to the words backward than spelling them backward gives you.

The result was profound, and there was quite a bit of pushback. It wasn’t pretty.

Things happen when you do this. Again i won’t explain.

Sorceress Cagliostro suggests doing this unbaptism for 21 days (or 29, the length of a full lunar cycle) for best result.


Thank you, I did always wonder about that.

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This is badass, will be Integrating this in my practices. Beautiful i really dig the entire concept of this, i feel like this will help me a lot. I love the simple but powerful stuff. Thank you @Lady_Eva

I know that Im necromancing this thread hard but I just now I couldn´t sleep, for the first time ever performed ‘my own’ version of the lords prayer, afterwards had some pretty self confident thoughts/scenarios in my head (which, mind you, is usually not the case for me) and then came online here to lurk around Lady_Evas old threads and discovered this one.
I think this thread might be interesting to someone so if you´re reading this and it´s you, you´re welcome :stuck_out_tongue:
If I´m insane then I accept a warning for grave robbing this thread.

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I used to think there was something wrong with me for not liking the “The Lord’s Prayer”. Now I don’t anymore.

Ok but what about doing it like this?

Our [My] Father [Source], who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy [my] name;
Thy [my] kingdom come;
thy [my] will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us [me] this day our [my] daily bread.
And forgive us [me] our [my] trespasses,
as we [I] forgive those who trespass against us [me].
And lead us [me] not into temptation;
but deliver us [me] from evil.
For thine [mine] is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

I use this prayer as part of working with Santa Muerte in its unaltered form. I have creative license to alter it due to the fact I’m damned, but I’ve always reframed this prayer out of its usual context by saying that I’m not praying to an external God/Creator, but rather, I’m praying to my own HS and whatever it emanates from.