Recently I’ve been working on creating a LHP-oriented inversion of “The Lord’s Prayer” because the “reversed and blackened afrin” (religious blessing) in Ford’s book Gates Of Dozak, that EA used in his Azi Dahaka video, really had an impact while I was carrying my daemonic child (I’m only including links coz this is all “WTF”-worthy stuff otherwise to anyone who’s just joined).
Also, the “unbaptism” I did of myself as part of this was surprisingly powerful - even though I wasn’t raised Xian, I had to recite their stuff sometimes at school, what amounts of spells against my own power and godhood, and removing it kind of bowled me over for a good few hours, so I wanted to over-write that with something positive.
Anyway, try as I might, the main power boiled down to a simple statement, so I’m posting it here for other people to try out:
My Kingdom come
My Will be done
That’s it. I’ve been repeating it steadily whilst doing preparatory work of any kind over the past week or so, and in the moments before beginning the working proper, and it builds a force within me that has at least personal significance for me, and hopefully will be useful to other people here.
Everything I tried adding to those two lines just detracted from the impact, no matter how carefully I crafted the words - so, there you have it, the ultimate Left-Hand Path prayer perhaps?
If anyone tries it, please post your experiences, personal improvements/edits, and so on, if possible.