Reversing effects of cursed food

How to reverse effects of cursed food?
My family prepares cursed food and tries to force me to their beleifs through rituals.
Most of it has not been too successful, but I am starting to get worried.
They have repeatedly removed friends who would help guide me out of the hell I am in or make me behave that way. (It is myfault for not cleansing enough though.)

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I would do a few things,

  1. first set up shields so the energy just bounced off you and harmlessly into the group (not mirror shields as you don’t want them to get a double dose of their own crazy as they have quite enough of that already)
  2. set up a protection shield that cleanses all food, water and air that does come into you to be nullified and nourishing
  3. perform a binding on them to stop them thinking about or working against you
  4. set up a glamour, which involves acting skills on your part, to convince them that you are what they want so they think they don’t need to fight you and stop trying. they not to make it top sarcastic and give the game away, but you are playing mind games with them to manage their fee fees so that are the least disruptive to your wellbeing