Reusing used candles

So, I recently I acquired this used candle and my question is: is there anything wrong with using it for other purposes? Like evocation, meditation or something like that?
In short, I went to clean out the closet and saw these candles in a corner, I asked my mom and she said that my older sister (who is a Christian fanatic) brought them from church.
According to my mother, the priest makes these candles available at the end of the sermon and on commemorative days because they have already served their purpose (worship).

Needless to say, I was craving these candles and my mind was already thinking of different uses for them, but I couldn’t take these larger candles or more than a single candle without my sister getting suspicious and wanting to know what I wanted them for.
Anyway, I convinced my mother that I liked collecting candles and that I wanted to use them to make new candles. She believed me. And now I’m here wondering if they’re really any good, especially after being used to “praise the usurper”. Not that I believe that what a priest, or any religious person, does has any significant “power”, to the point of interfering in something contrary to their faith, but I have my doubts.

If, despite this “small problem”, they fit, then I’ll be going back to church, with a lot of love for God :pray:t3:

I decided to keep the red one, in fact, I’ve been obsessed with it since I saw it and that’s why I didn’t keep the purple one, I’m going to clean it and consecrate it to the Darkness or to some spirit and then use it in some invocation in the future.

Ps: These big candles are quite expensive around here, if go to church will economize me a few reais, then it’s worth it.


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Don’t worry you can still use them if you really feel icky about just cleanse them with water inc
ense or any method you would like

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Maybe is time to give sky daddy a visit at his intentions are pure tho lol

That’s good, I really liked those candles, but I don’t like the idea of going back to church lol

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My intentions are the best possible :smiling_imp:

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Please speak English so you posts can be easier to moderate.


2 posts split to a private conversation.

You can use any candle for any reason dose not matter where it came from or what it was use for you can always melt down the max re make and re bless it dose not really matter

Also demonic engery and angelic engery work just fine together

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If u go, ask him whether his kingdom is falling quickly or not, and specifically put a devious look on your face while asking. Pls. For me xD

(Im joking)

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