Requiem: My journey so far

King Paimon I believe is ‘telling’ me that I should probably start a journal / record of most important events that have happened to me, and all workings thereof. I’ll update this with new events as they happen + I’ll try and keep it in order. Hopefully this helps anyone in any sort of way in the occult. I’ve never written anything like this so bear with me.

2014-2016, heavily christian, despised all demons and magick, classic ‘bible thumper’

Middle 2016, A demon manifested itself to me: I was sleeping on my couch in my room (all I had at the time to sleep on), and I woke up at around 3am-3:13am with a great feeling of dread. I open my eyes and in shock I see something looking at me from the bottom side of my door, it was peeking its head around the bottom left side of the door frame (the door was opened). It was completely black with a round head, and huge round glowing yellow eyes, with no other discernible features, after I saw it I passed out and woke up in the morning still freaked out from the incident. Started to get a lust for knowledge, a entity that looked almost like an owl physically manifested to me in broad daylight for a second, I blinked, it was gone. Familiar of Thoth I believe, due to my huge lust for knowledge.

That event sparked my journey into the occult, mind I was always searching for the truth of reality since I was young, always had a feeling things were off and not as they seemed. That desire for truth has guided me greatly.

After that event, I told my friends about it and they were spooked (I was 17 at the time), I started researching the occult and fell out of christianity for various reasons, mainly I came to find abrahamic faiths parasitic in nature. Also I remember a song, the day I fell out of christianity, I listened to Ghost - Square Hammer. I’m thankful for that band for helping open my eyes from the black/white view points I had at the time.

Early 2018, January: Had a weird dream of a demon I dont know who invading it from outside and completely stopping my dream. We had a little talk. “Out of no where I asked: Am I immortal? Demon: Yes, you will be born again and again, you are the fire of a thousand angels.”

2018 March: started using a homemade ouija board, hanging out with friends in my garage, typical teenage goofing around with the supernatural. At this point I started to get in tune with something within me (later found out I’m hereditary, will explain later on). Intuition started to guide me on what to do, and how to deal with spirits, and I knew most of the stuff I found online was BS newage or popculture shit. So we communicated with spirits thru the ouija board during night out in the garage, the board was just a piece of paper and a shot glass as a plachete. Often times the plachete would get frozen cold and freeze our fingers when it was only 60-70 degrees F out. We learned of 8 entities at the time, and asked them all questions on who they were and are, that were there and have been there for a while, I also live next to a graveyard aswell.

The entities, we named in the order we discovered them in / when they where known:

  1. Hellhound, we often see hellhounds around here at night, or used to. Used to scare me when I was a child here, growling and seeing its eyes when I was 8-10

  2. (Mayan demon. Named Vuh. I have no clue what a Mayan demon is doing in my garage, in middle America) Old looking, frail, looks like a starved human who has
    never been in the daylight.

  3. Never really talked. More of an observervant type and never really involved.

  4. (Never told me their name) Come to find out, was the demon that I saw in my doorway in 2016. Feeds off fear.

  5. Parasite. Always started shit with the others and with us. I let go of my attachments to it in 2019 and let my other demons take care of it.

  6. Mynm - Never showed me their form, however their energy is calming and loving. Also doesn’t talk much.

  7. 7 - Was a sacrificial animal in egypt, using enochian magic and now is an enochian demon. She taught me and guided me alot in the occult. Has a bright white aura, short-ish white hair, and appears business like in her human form. Also takes the form of a black ‘animal’ with completely black, almost shimmering eyes. Told me not to use the ouija board, among other mistakes I did. I’m still thankful for how patient she has been with me through all my naivety, mess ups, and otherwise disrespect.

7 was bound to an eldritch entity named JD (Funnily enough JD was my Father’s friends name, and my father was into eldritch stuff before he died.) I freed 7, I still don’t know how, but after that she started referring to me as her champion and she grew really fond of me and then started to teach me many things, and improved my life in many ways.

Mynm and 7 are friends (would often call my name from outside at night) and both grew fond of me, and I found companionship with them and the others. Friends, teachers, and protectors. They are all interested in this ‘Fire’ and would never answer me on it, which always made me suspicious it was a lie, or perhaps they just didn’t know. I still don’t know what it is, or if it’s true.

Late 2018, September-October is when I started to experience skinwalkers. (See my Skinwalker Post)
October 6th I believe was when I had the incident of me and my friend on the road next to my house
October 11th got into a bad 4Wheeler wreck (Took alot of my memories before that incident, so I;m most likely leaving out alot of events I had.) , I flipped it after crashing into my friends 4wheeler going 50mph on the highway, shattered my collarbone, and hit my head on the road very hard. I should’ve died with how hard I hit my head. As I was laying on the ground, dazed, and barely consious, I saw 7 standing over me, then my friends picked the 4wheeler up off of me and helped me up, my head was bleeding bad. My 4Wheeler was fine, my friend got on and I got on the back not knowing what was going on, he took me home, then my Grandmother took me to the hospital, thanks to 7, I only got a concussion that lasted a week and a broken collarbone.

Word of advice, if you see a skinwalker, don’t piss it off, and especially don’t fuck with native burial grounds all cockily and arrogantly. Treat them with respect. A lesson I learned that day and all of 2019.

Early 2019: Most of it was recovering mentally and emotionally from that wreck. My learnings of the occult grew as I recovered, summoned a demon accidentally, released a demon accidentally.

The first demon I summoned was on some lunar day, I forgot which but it was an astrological event. I lit a candle, it hit 12am, and I held the candle in my hands with the window open. I let the hot wax coat my hand, and poured my will into the pain. I then had a feeling to look outside my window, and sure enough under the moonlight, right at my window, was a demon. It was standing there with teeth from ear to ear, and almost had a physical form besides of just shadows. This demon, I came to know as magnus. This demon was very active and would take shape often, I still don’t know it’s purpose or what it was doing. But there were multiple times it woke me up. One time in particular: I woke up in the middle of the night, but my lights were off, I usually leave one on at night. I get up to turn it on and bump into someone, the light suddenly comes on and magnus is there grinning that grin, and says in a deep voice: ‘Hello’ and growls at me, then I pass out.

A week or two after that I had a dream of him, this dream was weird. I was with one of my friends exploring some abandoned subway, then I find out theres some rare occult witch shop there with a witch at a table just doing her business. I was curious and was looking around, then I filled with fear and dread. I looked at the stairs, and there magnus was walking down it, but this time he was without form, he was just shadow. Then the witch looked at me, noticing I was scared. She said “There’s no need to be afraid of it”. Magnus then got within arms reach of me, and I turned that fear into rage, and grabbed it by where it’s throat would be if it were to take human form, my body glowed bright in a gold light and that shadow dissapeared, and it was but a scared boy, I let go and patted his head and smiled then said: “Be free”. That was a mistake, but being new to the occult, gotta learn things the hard way sometimes. Magnus became a physical being, his form was all grey, with the same teeth from ear to ear, however there were no features on his face besides those teeth. He fucked with me and my friends for a while. That witch’s name is Zoe Morgan Rarir? I should probably research that, they helped me alot.

Middle 2019: Both my friends were walking home together at night while I stayed home. They called me saying something was following them, and they kept hearing chains drag on the road and then saw a figure in the field next to the road. It was a tall figure just watching them, and as they saw it it filled them with nothing but cold. Nothing malevolent. Just cold. We called this entity the Watcher, because that’s all he does, is he seems to just watch us. About a month after that, one of my friends had a skinwalker enter his house in the form of a dog, his grandpa threw it outside, and the dog just got up to the window and looked directly at my friend. The day after my friend heard laughing coming from his kitchen and the lights went out (Right next to his bedroom), and he had a cedar rune of protection and banishing I carved for him and charged with my ‘Fire’. He threw the rune in there out of fear, the laughing immediately stopped and the lights came back on, then he smelled burnt cedar and could never find the rune. It physically exploded in his kitchen.

Later after that, Magnus thought it would be funny to mimic skinwalkers at my friends house (same friend above), and the watcher didn’t like that at all, and slammed him through trees, the trees broke. Magnus never bothered or came around since.

End of 2019: 7, Mynm, and the others left me. (Not abandoned) They left me to figure things out on my own, to learn on my own, basically taking the training wheels off. They left a very clear message on what to do when I’m ready, and they’ll be back.

Early 2020: Starting to be social again after recovering for a year, focusing on myself. Getting into meditation, get in this weird trance where I start speaking Akkadian, Hebrew, Latin, and got visions of very odd things such as pyramids and other objects. I’m always drawn to sumerian things for some reason…
Middle 2020: Got in a relationship for 6 months, was manipulated, gaslighted, etc
September 2020: Broke up with them. Mind completely broke, my abilities gone, my psychic abilities gone, spirit broke.

Now: Getting back in tune. Building myself back up. Getting my abilities back. Getting back into the occult. I’m undergoing a rebirth and various Demons, Gods, Deities have reached out their hand to help, which I am very greatful to them all! Thanks to King Paimon, Lucifer, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Arawn, and Raziel!!! And I am also greatful to those whom are calling out to me! Stolas and Bune! I’ll work with you two soon! Recently got rid of an imposter+parasite, was impostering 7.

My goals: I want to bring back the old gods, that is a deep seated desire within me. Enough with this abrahamic dogma and demonization! I want to learn and master. I want to protect all.

Other details: About the hereditary stuff, come to find out there’s covens on both sides of my family up the line, and I’m an only child in a way which those two sides intersect. Also my father and his best friend (who’s a shapeshifter, and which come to find out is my mother’s second cousin!) were into some stuff when they were younger and had some very dark rings, still trying to find them as it is my inheritance! Also saw a grim reaper like entity once in the graveyard I live next to, but it had no Scythe!

Very big thanks to 7, Lucifer, and King Paimon for the current path I’m on!

Also 7 would like their name to remain hidden.

Thanks for reading, any thoughts, guidance, info, or help on anything is always appreciated!


The night before last I tried to invoke Bune and Cimejes, but quit due to overwhelming fear, thanks to my christian days + upbringing some of those fears persisted. Don’t get me wrong, it worked and I felt their presence + energies around me, however I ended it shortly and apologized and made an offering of blood for their time. King Paimon, also used that night to give me something else I needed, as I was waking up he gave me ‘visions’ of the mantras for each chakra and that I needed to do them. Yesterday I thought to myself I’ll just have to push through the fear for once, since it’s a big hindrance to me and my path, so I did my mantras, got a heal from a friend, and my solar plexus started to become very warm then last night I invoked Bune after feeling that she wanted me to, at the time I didn’t know why. I fell asleep while listening to + chanting her enn, this time I felt a really calm and gentle energy come over me before I slept. I often woke back up in a state of gnosis and felt this energy I have never felt before, instead of fearing it, I embraced it. Today, I woke up without any fear once so ever besides feeling drained from last night.

All I can say now, is say a very huge thank you to Bune for helping me get rid of that huge hindrance! And thank you Cimejes for helping me get back into my old spirit!


Post unlisted at member’s request.