Request Thread for Those Who Want to Practice Working for Others

The reading says you won’t.

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Thank you


Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for this topic, it is amazing to be able to connect with people more experimented and/or confident in magick and their abilities and receive help with no fear of being scammed.

To give you a litlle more detail about me, I grew up in a very skeptical household and now, even though I want to believe and do believe, in a way, thre is always a doubt in my mind and I cannot help but think that there is a logical explanation. All of that makes it quite difficult for me to do magick. And I did some magick in the past (spells, asked help from entities, deities, demons, tried pathwork) and, in a very pragmatic way, I admit that what happened may have happened thanks to magick (for example, my Dad giving my sister and I 500 euros and saying after it was deposited in the bank that he didn’t mean to give each of us 500 euros but rather 250 euros each and the fact that money came just when it was needed), I just cant help but think it was just a coincidence and the money would have come anyway and I find it very frustrating to do magick because of that.

My other issue is with money, I already have a few posts regarding my money problems and lot of that has been solved. Now, my main problem is that I spend a lot, probably more than I should and somehow, I just can’t stop and I think because of that, my mind is always set on lacking money rather than attracting money and I think it is very detrimental to me. Sorry for the long text and onto my request.

My request is, I hope, quite simple. I would like some help in removing blockages. Removing doubts, just so I can do magick and let go, knowing that it worked and is coming my way. I think that’s the most difficult part for me, believing, deep within that everything worked, for me it requires proof, like a big thing to believe and I would like to just no linger have that kind of mindset.

Regarding money, it would be the same kind of work : removing obstacles and blockages regarding money and how it can come to me, help me become more of “money magnet”, just really attract money and during that work, if it is possible to add a certain sum of money to come my way quickly and without harm to anyone, it would be great. I’ll just add that my grandparents died in 2021 and we are waiting to work everything out regarding the inheritance, so that is an angle you can work if you think it could work.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies and sorry again for the loooong message lol


Hi, does anyone work with ahk’lah’tesh?

Not to sound too selfish, can someone please help me with an obstacle removal/ open road spell please? I have been feeling too down :pensive:

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You were on spot. I hope I will get them soon

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please Anyone can scan ???


You gotta detach. Live in the moment. It will come, just dont worry

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I need to pay some paper work to sell my house this is why I asked for a reading

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There is a woman yoi nees to speak wich. Her name starts with a A. An or Ar

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I dont know who are you talking about. This is a thread for free services and I asked for a reading

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I am asking if someone can help me with a reading. I am have been waiting for a specific amount of money which will solve plenty of my problems and I would like to know if I will get it this month. Thank you

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Thats what i was saying saying. The woman who need to speak you about the money they owe you. Her name starts with a A. She has some involvment with thr casino, i think. She is a slender and thick dark hair. Maybe in her thirties. Not surw if she is thr owner or thr hr or what.

Thats the reading im getting from the situation


I dont know who that persons is. So many people work in Casinos so I cant just describe to them a person and ask for a name. Thank you though

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Sorry for asking but I really need help
I need a love reading
If anyone can do one for me that would be amazing
And really thanks

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Anyone here good with lust spells? Can get one done?

I tried but I keep falling asleep, idk why tho, maybe that’s why no result.

Thank you in advance

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@DruzyBB @Pakttaro @Karmaleon @MayaviSarvashaktiman @S_T_N @Varrek


Thanks a lot :heart:

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No problem. May you all receive exactly what you need!


This is one of many beautiful things that happened today. Thank you @anon97554939 for adding joy to all of our lives.

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