Maxx, I’m an anarcho-capitalist.
I believe in the abolishment of government rulership in totality, and want a pure free market society for fulfilling my own needs and wants.
In other words, you will never EVER hear me act as an apologist for the State, or call for State intervention in ANYTHING. (State means government in political science parlance)
** I respect you enough to urge you to carefully reread my quote again, because you obviously either misread or horribly misinterpreted it, and got my sentiments ass-backwards. I’m making a case against censorship and regulation, not for it. **
In the following passage, I use the exaggerated, hypothetical example of implementing a federal prohibition on magick goods and services in order to EXPOSE the stupidity of eBay’s decision to censor some magick-related goods and services.
I explicitly declare that censorship and prohibition ALWAYS fails, because as long as there is demand, there will be a black market.
Regardless, let's take your flawed stance a step further. Let's go from making it only eBay's ban to making it an official government ban, hypothetically.
If all these scam products are “cheating people out of their money”, then surely we need to pass a federal law banning the sale of all physical talismans and intangible services related to magick.
If the retail fraud inside the commercial space of the magick community is so rampant… so prevalent… that it deserves ban from the world’s largest auction site, then surely we need government intervention to stop it from happening at all!
According to your logic, we do.
Personally, as a free market capitalist myself, I would hate for them to interfere, like the example.
The point of my metaphor is to make obvious the ridiculousness of eBay’s censorship.
And finally, their prohibition will fail - as all prohibitions and censorships fail - to make people stop buying and selling magick talismans and spells online. It will simply create a black market, where people will continue to sell the products, just under another name and description.
And the fact that people Liked your comment indicates that my point might’ve gone right over their heads as well.
Also, if you’re still unclear on my true position on the relationship between the individual, society, and the state, I invite you to reread my brief treatise on The Psychology of Black Magick:
You’re talking to the most vehemently anti-government man, possibly alive today on planet Earth.