Replicating the curses from the Book of smokeless fire?

Since the book seems to be full of servitors. And I hear a lot of reports of lack of results but the concept of the curses are just too good to ignore lol. So I thought about it.

Is there a demon you guys know of that could do potentially teach someone THOSE curses in that book so they can actually conduct them through means of ritual or however the demon instructs. I just think that would be awesome if we could actually accomplish these tasks.

Extra question. Do you guys think KREHL’A’TERAL from the boa could technically teach miracles related to baneful magick.

Or you think I could learn such from andras from the goetia or some other goetia baneful spirit.

I’m trying to basically ask if I could learn the same tasks that the entities in the smokeless book of fire can do. That would be awesome in a baneful sense ngl. I’m trying to become a menace adding new baneful weapons to my gallery of despair lol. No for real though having someone “roll around the ground convulsing screaming in pain” or something like that in the book seems it would take a long time to learn and get strong for but I want to learn to replicate those curses so I don’t feel that book as to be completely useless lol

I also feel if someone was to also accomplish that on their own energy instead of calling an entity, if that’s not enough to tell the victim don’t fuck with me then I don’t know what is.

The spirits in the Book of Smokeless Fire are not servitors.

No. That is not what he teaches. His “miracles” are basically the things we consider siddhis or powers, like telekinesis, levitation, etc.

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They are not servitors, they are Djinn, and sovereign beings that existed, as it is told, before humans did.

The lack of results imo is because they dislike humans and don’t want to do it. The book tells you how to force them to, but most people don’t really want to go that route.

Try the Watcher Tamiel who “teaches the strikes of man”. He can educate you on performing baneful magick on your own.

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Sorry for the off topic, @Mulberry in your experience which entities like working with humans the most?

Most do, the Book of smokeless fire, if I recall correctly (we’ve had discussions on this forum as a member brought this info to us) is a rehash of the 72 (?) Deadly Names, which came with a warning that these were unfreindly Djinn.

It pays to read the notes in each grimoire as they sometimes tell you the temperament of each entity.

The popular names are popular because they give positive experiences to most people: Lucifer, Lilith, most everyone in the Goetia, possibly all the 72 Shem angels, I’m a fan of the Watchers as pro-human entities myself, freindly Djinn, benevolent gods… the list is pretty long, but if you stick with the ones people talk about the most you should be in for a good time :slight_smile:


Seems extremely dangerous but doable with the right amount of research and such

Well the book tells you exactly how to do it. There’s a lot of tools that become expensive including a full size sharp metal sword… Whether you have the personality and energy to pull it off is a different question.

I don’t have that personality myself. I called up he “worst” of the Djinni’s and found them quite personable, and not particularly vindictive or malicious… I guess when you’re not being threatened with a sword to do things for a stranger that helps. :slight_smile: They were not going to do it though, not even for offerings, they would have a conversation but nothing beyond that.


Yeah so I guess that’s why you gotta force them. Well that’s good to know