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Then your mom enters the room and you say “h*ck”, and you get your ass doubble whooped cus it’s a christian Minecraft household.

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We do not talk of Minecraft on this Christian Roblox server!

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Do not curse in the presence of the lord’s apostle!

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Robin Wood

It be Cowbelly, yess. But if i were to source every meme i’m about to post i’d be covered in links that i don’t know . Like, i steal my memes from a youtube vid cus i’m too lazy to look on tumblr, reddit, 4chan on my own. Sue me. Please don’t.

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Don’t worry I never make my own memes, I stay fake. Speaking of which send me your Shizz so when I drop my next vid it takes off like a Lexus!

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Wait a minute…

I only commented ‘Stealin’.

So how in the holy conflunder fuck did I get quoted as saying this?:

As requested upon detection of something fuckey, I call upon @Lady_Eva to scope this out, because that is not what I said. Not even in an edit.


All you have to do is type what you want.

Seems there’s a glitch in the matrix.

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Theory: The adventure in the Matrix is made by the machines to control the 1%

I’m going to have to ask you not to do that, respectfully. That is not even remotely cool.

Do I really need to point out how this can cause serious misunderstandings around here?

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Alright Alright…

On that note, @Lady_Eva can you please lock this up until the issue is resolved? This is not cool at all.

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I do agree with @Woodsman81, although it did make a sentence turn able into a joke it could cause confusion as it has and probably will.

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It was funny in context, but it does expose a major flaw in the software. What’s the point of having a ‘quote’ function if the ‘quote’ can be modified at will?

Still funny though, lol:smile::smile:

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Because quotes are always funny…

You’er welcome people who fix the system (I’m too tired to thing)

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Yep.This is the definition of user feedback. They can thank us later, lol.

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Do I get a promotion for this?