Removed chatting re: The Vampire

Wow. That’s some serious shit. Well then huh. I will have to think about it. Yes, group magick would be a very good idea I would think. And see if you can find any high level positive adepts who might be able to help you. I doubt love and light coming from someone like that is a shield your opponent can eat right through. Super potent unconditional love energy is to people luke him whay sunlight is to a Hollywood vampyre.

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That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Like I said, I’m a white belt here. My best function has been to help people bounce ideas and brainstorm. I’m no magician really. Not yet anyway.

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Yeah I need to make some kind of strategy here. I won’t just lay here and die.i want this damn wand to come in the mail so I can consecrate it and woodburn the symbols into it to make the entities heed. I’ve even tried being friends with them and they just refuse to stop. Maybe if I gave them an offering but I feel the only thing that they want is human sacrifices. They kill for sport.

Right. What about an athame? Wands are not what younuse to remove negative spirits. Athames are.

What’s an athames. Also what about protective seals. I think they marked me and put a seal on me like I’m their property.

Idk where to even start rn. And this wand is made to torment an entitiy to make it be subdued. I wouldn’t normally do that but they are tryna fucking kill me. I have no choice but to try and dominate it.

I seriously believe this was some kind of initiation into the dark arts for me. Cause I either learn and fight or give up n die. This will make me stronger in the long run.a knife huh?I don’t do ceremonial magick I use the planets and sigils and some what demons and a novice.

It is a ceremonial blade used in ritual magick. It is one of the four most traditional items: the wand, the athame, the chalice and the pentacle. You have a wand on your way, and a chalice is easy to get a hold of. It is easentially a fancy cup. Like a goblet kind of. However, you can use whatever you want.

In regards to the pentacle, you can make one for yourself. I woukd suggest following Aleister Crowley’s advice on how to make one, but I will have to look and see where I initially found that.
What a pentacke is is basically a kind of giant coin, or an amulet or a talisman of sorts. It represents tge Earth element, as the wand does fire, the chalice water and the athame air. Although some believe it is the athame that represents fire and the wand air, due to the athames forceful nature. A lot of people use the athame as a wand as well, only having the wand for symbolic purposes on their alter. I do not feel this is appropriate, but I can understand doing that. One cannot do the reverse. A wand is not forceful enough to banish entities like the ones you now face. It is the difference between saying “please leave Mr. Demon” and saying “Get out or I’ma cut you up”

As for the athame, that is as I said a ritual dagger. Used ESPECIALLY for protection and banishing. It is typically made using iron or steel and wood. Typically iron. It us traditionally double sided although it does not have to be. It is probably better double sided though as that makes certain spells easier. It us in my opinion best if it is sharp and not too thin.

You want your ceremonial items to be in proportion with each other. If you have a giant goblet for a chalice and a tiny letter opener for an athame, that seems unbalanced and probably less effective.

Also, I would highly recommend a scrying mirror. Preferably obsidion. A crystal ball works as well. Also best if it is obsidion. REAL obsidion.

Altar cloths are also typically used. What’s an altar cloth? Well, an alter cloth is generally any sort if cloth you put upon the alter and place the items atop to do your working. The altar itself is a place to focus your Will and intent. An altar clotg is probably best made DIY as are all othrr items, but can be bought. You can pick whatever auits your style honestly, as long as it suits your needs. It really helos to have a personal connection with your items. I’ve been considering using band shirts. But you can use whatever.

Candles are also highly utilized for ritual magick, as I am sure you have no doubt noticed.

Salt and sage and incense are also quite popular. Sage and salt are especially useful for purifying. So ia Moon Water, which is water charged in moonlight with certain intentions, imbuinh it with certain energies.

I shall post more later with ideas regarding these ceremonial items.

Can’t hurt to also learn to use tarot and learn astrology. The Rider Waite Smith deck ia the most traditional deck for astrology and is thr one used as the basis for most books on it. I woukd suggest starting off with that deck. You MIGHT want to get a black and white version which can be colored in if you can find it. That way, ypu kind of make itbyour own to some extent you know?

Also, in your case, it might be beneficial to work with a God and/or Goddess who can be of assistance in you situation. Odin, Shiva, Kali and Athena come to mind the most. Possibly Horus. Dunno. I woukd suggest Athena. Much information is available on the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses. The stories are quite interesting. Also, I am pretty sure I found a nice collection of Greco-Roman themed figurines on Amazon. I shall see if I can find them again.

It is good to have at least one representation of Divine Masculine and Feminine energy on your altar. I would suggest you put Ares in DM. Athena is a woman, yet quite masculine. Not sure where ahe fits. Might wanna use another repreaentation of DF and still use Athena as your main choice of deity. But I dunno.

Morgan le Fey was also recommended as a pretty cool representation of a badass witch type of DF energy, but I dunno much about her.

I primarilly suggest working with one oantheon first, to keep it simple and really get to know the ins and outs. Greco-Roman is the most mainstream pantheon in the English speaking world, so you can find plenty of info on it.

I shall post more info when I have the time.

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Thank you and yes I have a deck of tarot. And I do know about how the knife and wand and chalice are representation of the elements. I just never made one. What I have for an altar is for offering to my spirit friends. Ty so much for all the advice cause I was scared to come here n talk to someone that might attack me as well. I did nothing but have a crush on this guy and then he attacked me. I’ll work on getting an altar. I actually made an altar in my imagination. In my special room I created in my subconscious. But it’s probably better for me to make a real one until I become more adept to using magick. Plus the fact that it’s physical grounds the spell in the physical realm. Everything trickles down into this reality and it starts with ur mind first then astral then physically. I like to also go fishing inside my subconscious and pull out things from it that I want to manifest.its like making something from nothing. I need to read more. Ty

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Idk I just so my own kind of magick.needless to say I’m very weary of black magicians because of this experience.

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No problem :slight_smile:

Those sound like QUITE the imaginitive feats! I have no doubt that as you learn more magick, you will become QUITE the sorceress. By the way, my teacher is writing a book currently for the masses to read. I am sure it will be quite useful to any who read it. It is currently a work in progress and her focus is hard to maintain due to current circumstances. That being said, it shall be finished at some point. Until then, I shall try to find some info which would be useful to your issue.

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Thank you… cause this shit is depressing af

Naturally. I would be weary of them because they are black magicians, but this gives all the more reason.

You might want to work with the angels and archangels as well. Especially Archangel Michael. He is the main one when it comes to protection.

Archangels Raphael, Auriel, Gabriel and Michael are the 4 archangels used in the LBPR.

You do know how to do the Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual?

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Yeah I bet it is.

It is no problem to help you out. I am glad I am able to help really.

I do and have but nothing helped. I’m pretty sure I did somn bad in my past life. My natal chart reading says so. I have a wierd placenta that said I abuse power in my last life. And I’m pretty sure the dark spirit I worked with is still with me. That’s why I keep getting into fucked up situations in this life even when I’m not being neggy and down. My energy just attracts dark people and dark forces/entities

That’s why I changed my profile pic here to somn else cause people can fuck with you by pictures alone. I know from experience and I also have to cover all mirrors cause the beings like to use them as portals.

I am currently uncertain if this is true nowadays, but I remember from a Channeled material I used to swear by that in it, Ra (he was the one being channeled) said the one thing which stops the karmic wheel from spinning is foegiveness. In which case, forgive yourself for having been abusive with your power. And forgiving your current tormentor would also help because forgiving him would also inherently mean forgiving yourself, for you would forgive the sel percieved in him.

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I’m very familiar with the planetary energies and I talk to them and cocreate with them. I could call Pluto to kill someone for me. They are concious beings. I can call on them using their symbols as sigils. I made a deal with Saturn as well. A contract. Saturn is the devil lol time karma and restrictions

I’m kinda weary because coming on here is like plucking the dinner bell on the esoteric spiderweb of inner connectedness

Really? That is quite USEFUL! What planet do you think could help you protect yourself here?

Mars? Jupiter? I hear there is even a 9th planet. If there is, it is concidered appropriate for a number of reasons I hear to name it Minerva (Roman name for Athena)

Also, I would add that since the Greco-Roman pantheon is so closely tied to astrology, that would only help you further your understanding of both.

If astrology is truly your thing, I would STRONGLY suggest using it for self study.

There ate 3 self study modlities which can help a seeker learn to understand the archetypal mind: tarot, kabbalah amd astrology. If astrology is truly your thing, I say go with it!

Why learn about the archetypal mind? Well, it is a way to map out your own consciousness and understand your will. Also, if you do that, you can become an adept. An adept is one who has thoroughly developed their red yellow amd orange chakras amd has begun work with their blue and indigo chakras. The green ray (heart) chakra is also developed by positive adepts. It is skipped entirely by dark adepts however.

I suggest going the positive route if possible, because the negative route seems to have caused you much pain already just having incurred karma and having been on the receiving end of a dark adept’s terrible treatment.

If you can understand the archetypal mind well enough to truly u derstand your own consciousness you can turn into an adept
But you have to experience the things you learn to truly learn them it seems.

A female adept who aclnowledges her power can easily out magick a male adept.

Adepts are not merely magicians. Adepts are advanced enough that they cam naturally access magick. Quite useful! Still one might want to learn spellwork and altar magick at least until they get to that point. My teacher still has her altar.