Regarding perspectives on reality and results

So I wanted to share some thoughts that have been rattling round on this with regard to methods, info ect obtained as a result of practice. For anyone interested.

Over the years ive practiced various ideas, techniques and methods. Some from books, some from ideas that bubbled to the surface while workin with different elemental and planatary energies. Tho some of the more interesting (least to me) and intense practices came from spirits that decided to make themselves known to me over the years and a few i was lead to.

These include Azazel,Hermaeus Mora,Sheogorath, cthulhu, nyarlathotep and more recently akoman and zohak through kunda yoga.

Now an interesting thing to point out is I do not ritually work with evocation.
And until i was lead to the path of smoke i did not see it becoming a part of my practice. Simply because I was obtaining results with the methods i used.

Now do I know what these entities are? No
Do I know without doubt that they exist? No
Do I know if some of them are egregors or ancient beings? No
Do i know without doubt if they are emboidiments of aspects of reality? No

And honestly i dont care, because here is what i do know to date.

Over time these entities decided to make themselves known to me, i did not seek them out. Some more intensely than others. They imparted information and various methods and ways to expand my understanding on the nature of reality which is a regular focus for me and how this knowledge can be applied practically.

Now this has resulted in going down some very strange but interesting rabbit holes over the years. As well as bringing me into a mind state and position where i can work on growth and learn in most aspects of life.

Hope some people find this of use.