Regarding Past Lives

Did you know that the nationality / culture people mistaken you as, could be due to a past Life?

Which Nationality or culture have you been mistaken as? Perhaps it could link you to your past life.


Feels like a White Soul amidst a Sea of Darkness.


Many have thought that I’m Arab/Muslim. I’ve been told that I look Chinese as a joke. My friend told me that I am Connor from Assassins Creed 3 is my Ancestor.

And several other groups.

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Does that mean you think people with many past lives from many different cultures just look weird? :joy:


Nope but they likely will have some dominant traits from their past lives.

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I see. I’m not sure this applies to everyone.

I agree it’s possible of the past life is recent or the spirit chooses to retain traits for reasons. Karma I think would have an influence here. Otherwise this isn’t the norm - what’s past is past and the primary point of a new life, imo, is a clean slate and new lessons.
If you have a lot of influence from a past life I suspect it means you fucked up and aren’t done with it.

I’ve had many hundred of thousands of years on this planet, most of them as rock. And while I am indeed very grounded and Earthy, that’s because of my the role I’m taking in what I see as project Earth.
(Edit: technically I’m more Metal than Earth, energetically by Chinese 5 element personality types, but I have a lot of Earth traits too)


yea, chinese BIn Laden. LOL :rofl:

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Well, all the chicks say I look like an Ugly Pig, Makes sense now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I tend to take on physical features very close to that of my god-form every time.


How do you guys find out about your past life? I’d be interested in knowing what my past life was like. Who do you go to for this knowledge? How can I pursue it?

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I usually get told that I look like I would be of Eastern European decent. I’m actually ashkenazi Jew as far as my heritage goes. I have no idea if my appearance has anything to do with my past life. I’d love to learn more about any lifetimes I may have had before this one though. One thing I do feel pretty strongly is that I was probably male in a lot of my lives. I don’t really have a problem looking the part as far as being feminine goes, but my personality and demeanor are pretty masculine, and I remember feeling weird about being a girl as a kid. Kind of a hard feeling to articulate, but I felt like I was supposed to be a boy, lol.

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Lmao :rofl:

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I was probably a Native American or Hun.
Ever since I was a kid I was obsessed with making weapons and fighting.

I was one of those kids who would always read books on medieval history mainly because of the graphic pictures.

I remember when I was 1st grade and I got into an argument with my teacher because I thought the word Behead was actually Dehead.

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I dont think past lives and reincarnation is cultural, every new life has a series of lessons to be learned, that which is intertwined with your personality.

If it was a national theme we would all be French or Spanish with no new lessons. Everyone seems to have a different past all with new beginings and endings with each new life new lessons are taught and rendered, all with a new formula.


I’m ethnically asian, but I have felt zero connection to the culture i was born in. I’ve always been irresistibly attracted to knights and swords and castles. i look very asian, but I’ve been asked by people where i come from in my own hometown. I’ve tried all sorts of different styles in music and I became a pretty alright classical pianist, was hopeless at rock, blues or jazz, but when i picked up an irish flute to play folk music i just “got” it. i might guess that i was some kind of medieval western european soldier, but otherwise nothing very important carried over, besides maybe an intuition for runes. I’m sort of curious about who i was exactly, but it’s kind of irrelevant right now besides dashing my hopes of being a cool electric guitarist :’)

Iirc Franz Bardon had a method of seeing past lives in a black mirror in IIH.


Genome and bynome sequencing tells the truth every time.

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I’ve been told I look Chinese, Asian, and Middle Eastern.

I was also very interested in Daoist philosophy for a couple of years. Now I really have no interest in it anymore, but all the research I did during those few years really changed the path my life was going.

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