Recreating a glitch in the Matrix

I’ve become increasingly convinced that we probably live in a simulation. For simplicity, I will refer to it as the Matrix. Within this worldview, paranormal events are caused by glitches, backdoors, and hacks. Who knows, maybe the demons themselves are those who live ‘outside’ the system, but still have some capacity to interact with it from afar.

There are countless first person testimonials on Reddit describing people who experience death and are then reset, and I find these stories to be one of the most compelling reasons to believe the theory. In a few of these cases, there are multiple people corroborating each other’s story -
Which brings me to my main point. If we accept that glitches exist, it seems plausible that backdoors and exploits may also exist to let us ‘peel back’ the wool that’s been pulled over our eyes. Has anyone here ever succeeded in doing something like this, peering behind the curtain, as it were?

If so, how did it happen, and what would you suggest in order to recreate these experiences? Preferably without mortal danger. The goal here is to prove to myself, by first-hand experience, that the simulation exists.

Traveled secret tunnels many times. The Goblins are annoying; I shoot them immediately on site :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This synchronistically touches on the topics in this Monroe Institute video I just posted over here.

There’s an energy entity that exists outside of time being channeled that explains the physical as a thoughtform we have created, and everybody creates their own version of reality. Very Buddhist in a way that also says we infinitesimally create reality anew based on what we expect.

So I can’t do this, but the idea is to know these things are not happening TO you but they ARE you, and you create them, so the trick is to create differently. I’m not explaining it well but if you listen to the recording (it’s from 1977) then you can hear the parallels to magick and the potential.

This fits with other ways of looking at it, like with the multiverse where you can switch universes by changing your vibration, and end up with things changing for you, but everyone else thinks they were always like that - mini mandela effects, kind of thing.

The glitches in the Matric were deja-vu if I recall, and I don’t have a handle on explain those yet, other than “bleedthrough” from other probabilities. .

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In my opinion, the whole Matrix/simulation idea is just a science fiction interpretation of the Hermetic Principle that “All is Mind.”

Consciousness is all that really exists.


While I don’t necessarily believe that the world is a simulation. Strength of will helps to do things in terms of exploiting your reality, magic is all about bending reality to your will.

Potentially magic mushrooms has helped expand my thoughts on reality and pull back the curtain as it was but you are at the mercy of the drug trip so this is an unreliable method.

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Indeed, this is panpsychism, and I believed that once. But for me, one of the fatal problems of panpsychism is that we can get unexpected scientific results. If our minds collectively create the world around us as a projection of ourselves, how can we ever be truly surprised by anything?

I think consciousness is embedded in some kind of substrate that contains it and allows it to run. Considering the sheer mechanistic perfection of the substrate, it seems unlikely that it would be natural.

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The conscious mind does not know everything nor does it have access to all knowledge. It is only the surface level of consciousness, and is concerned only with functioning on the physical level. The conscious mind can always be surprised lol

Yeah the mind in a ways is houses within a Matrix that is within a Matrix that is within a Matrix. The idea of having a Lucid Dream is partially grounded in the idea that you are already dreaming now. Thus, you wake up from your “Inception Dream” where you fell asleep in the same place twice.

The trick is waking up, but the world is litered with so many new age idealogies on waking up, that it makes it really tough for many to do that :wink: Good Luck.

What do you suggest as a methodology for “waking up”?

EA Koetting, bless him, mentions in a video (don’t remember which), that the tibetan monks basically tell their intermediate students, or something like it, that they must start building protections or face opposition.

I believe the opposition is from what I basically think of as farm dogs. Or farm workers. We’re silk worms in a silk worm farm. The moth stage is how we escape. They want us in the cocoons periodically for harvesting, but no further. This is not meant to be a concrete belief or philosophy, but more a representation of my thoughts in a very general sense.

For experience, what I am FIRMLY sure of, is that Time itself is the prison, or underlying cause of this reality, and once it is touched or fiddled with by accident or design, the alarm bells sound and forces that otherwise ignore us crawling along the branches turn upon us with very rapt attention.

I’ve sent words back in time, along with an image of my 21 year old body, which looked extremely different from my young childhood. And I’ve experienced CRAZY Mandela waves, when in preschool, where EVERYBODY went wild, running and screaming. It was like the world becoming a horrible nightmare, like it was suddenly no longer substantial and an invisible tidal wave as big as creation was bearing down, and that once it hit, it tried to literally squeeze a certain color’s name out of our heads. I believe it was orange. It didn’t work, but temporarily, we DID forget it. We knew it, but could not place it, and then it was truly gone with the wave, along with the fear, and the memory.

One thing I will say: ALL the adults and children, myself included, REMEMBERED, once the wave began, the following:

1: We knew what it was
2: we knew that in that moment of vulnerability, before the wave hit and changes began, that we could remember and that before and after we would subsequently forget, and ANY posssibility of altering the event, resisting, or stopping it, could be done only in those few seconds. Which is why everyone freaked out.
3: my mother, a Christian, used to have frequent talks of this with me, conversations of higher spiritual order that resemble stuff from Carlos Castoneda’s work regarding changes in awareness. There were bible scriptures removed from Revelation that talked of this. My last conversation with her about this, was that these instances of remembering “the situation” were growing few. In these higher states, the “christianity” we were operating from was NOTHING like the one we think of today.
4: once the wave was finished, we WOULD have reality changed. It is not multiple timelines. It is like editing work in a photoshop, and this reality is nothing but a big image. They hardcode CHANGE reality, because it IS just a program. It’s like changing scenes in a video game, or stages. It does not have “inviolability” to its structure. It CAN be altered. I believe, tentatively, for lack of any better physical source, it to be the gigantic radar arrays on military bases and elsewhere, working in concert, that help facilitate this extreme vibrational change.

I know that I am one of the very few who remembered any of this. And that many in early childhood did know, but sadly said they would forget. I was the only one who would not give up.

My opinion in this is that the ability to effect Time, or to NOT be caught up in the illusion of it so much, is what binds us to it. By accepting this is just a shared dream, in the sense that is how it works, time travel is simple. We just go back and review different scenes, like replaying a portion of a video game or rewatching a scene in a movie. That’s all. Only, somebody figured out how to lock us out of the programming menu, and there are people now actively programming.

It can get infinitely deeper, but there it is. And this is why the rub it in our faces with idiot Einstein, saying “time and space” are basically the same thing. Because technically, time is just a frame of reference to sequences in the dream, which is all the “space” that there is. In other words, Time is the vector for the photo image pixels. That’s all. I think. I’m no digital artist, lol. But you hopefully see my point.

I think I manipulate time all the time. We all do, depending on our mood. Displeasure and anguish slow it. Happiness, joy, contentment, peace, accelerate it. I suggest reading Space-Time Transposing by L. Arklinski. Can’t find any of his prior works from Al Fry online. You’ll have to dig deep into places like the maybe, or contact Fry himself somehow (but he says his work gets “disappeared” by the mail, so the evil “goverments” don’t want his work shared. Which shows you its value.)

All in all, meditation. And silence without losing one’s will, long enough, in a state of emotional peace and contentment, seems to be the trick. That’s the only state of mind I’ve ever seen real powers manifesting consistently, and yes, the entire reasons “governments” (mind control is what that means in latin), is to make sure we never reach that condition of what most occultists traditionally call “Bliss”. Because if we are on that beach long enough, happy, healthy, sexually satisfied, and bored for “work”, we start turning inwards. And inwards lies the truth.

If we can stay ahead of the farmers. I… don’t think I managed this lifetime.


Its an Awareness based things. Practice of meditation and magick. It takes alot of energy that must be re-directed in your bodies systems to be able to change it. Thats why you see so many practices like raising kundalini or whatever; its an attempt to basically power up and then reconfigure.

You could attempt to utilize magick in the mix. Unfortunately I have nothing for you in that department, because I largely do not share what I do in my practices. But for starters, look into Rune Magick as it touches on things on that and will help with powring up your awareness.

The farm dog analogy reminds me of this excerpt from ‘Kabbalah Magic’:

“The demons that surround the prison house of the human world are the inhabitants of a transitional realm, the boundary of your material prison. It is best to deal with them in a passing manner as you liberate yourself from confinement. Inside the prison grounds, you are relatively safe in the folds of the collective cultural trance. Beyond the watchtowers of the perimeter, you are safe because you are beyond the reach of all harm. But while banging on the doors, confronting the guards, and dragging ging yourself free of their restraints, you are in temporary danger. The battle is only worthwhile when you proceed tirelessly all the way through it to the liberation beyond”

I resonate alot with this excerpt. It’s been my personal experience that at some point along the ‘awakening’ path and particularly when practicing magic that some kind of alarm goes off in the astral. There’s a bit of a sense of being a marked man once you reach a certain point of awareness. So the necessity for psychic protection practices has been inevitable. Whether it’s all just in my head is another story alltogether :sweat_smile:.