I neglected my studies too much in the pursuit of arcane knowledge and magical/supernatural power. There’s little development of my magical abilities, and I have an entrance exam in 7 days. I am not at all confident. Is there anyway I can revise 90 chapters in 7 days with full concentration and focus. I was the 1st boy in class throughout my childhood, until I met my boyfriend who was a backbencher, fell in love with him and sadly became like him. I tried to invoke my former topper self, but the invocation didn’t last long. Can I banish the traits my boyfriend induced in me?
I just need to complete my revision of my entire syllabus in 7 days. Then I will top this exam, which is a life decider for me.
PS: Celestial powers work better for me than infernal
Yes, or use pattern interrupts like tapping to halt the intrusive thoughts or injunctions from him that are living in your head as soon as they occur.
I just learned this - take your non-dominant hand, and each digit in turn with the thumb with your dominant hand
Thumb: say “I am Me. I am not him”
First finger: say “My goal state is…” and feel what state you want to be in, like, keep to study and confident in your learning
Middle finger: Welcome the emotions and do not flee from any discomfort that comes with this effort. It in in discomfort that we grow.
Ring finger: What is your self-interested action right now: study? Do that, right now
Little finger: Make a hand=choping motions and “cut” off the unwanted to be your own self.
Repeat this three times a day. Also log out of all distracting accounts, social media and avoid time wasters for this week. (Like l why are you making new accounts on forums instead of studying? )