Real Money Spell $500 Works 9 out of 10 times

Fucking brilliant. Thanks!

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:smiley: welcome

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To me that is still burning the candle, so yes you can do that, if it donā€™t work for you after that, then its just a test that failed. I like that idea may have to try it myself.



something like that or is better I put the exact amount in euro?

How long should I place my hand on the candle after the chant?

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yes of course use your money, euro, and its only till your hands feel warm and tingly


A few days ago I performed this ritual the way you did.
Funny, China is a cheap labor country, as the largest city in China, Shanghai, its monthly minimum wage is 2600 RMB, as of the day I did this ceremony, 500 USD equals 3500 RMB, 233333

Good luck, let us know if it works.
I have tried this twice, but no luck. 500 dollars is a huge amount of money, so maybe I aim smaller first.

Remember, to put no doubt before doing the spell, or any doubt in-between, and keep the spell secretive, till you receive what you want, also if it isnā€™t working for you clear you space more, shower before, and meditate for a few minutes and do a practice run on the spell before lighting the candle, and you can also vibrate or tap your thymus gland your heart Chakra to increase your energy flow in your body before preforming a spell. Hope that helps you.


Hey, thanks! Iā€™ll take your advice to heart. I didnā€™t mean to criticize or anything, I know I donā€™t have a lot of experience yet.
I appreciate you getting back to me.
One good thing about me is, though I may complain - a lot - Iā€™m not really a quitter. So if at first you donā€™t succeed (and I only tried this spell twice) I just gotta try again, with more belief :slight_smile:
will update when I get results!


Your not criticizing many come back and say didnā€™t work for me, it more about they may of just needed a little a guide to help them understand the spell more or just have the right energy to do it, many on here wonā€™t answer people, worth anything to help them along, and people get frustrated. I been there in my first days of magic. And also donā€™t forget, this isnā€™t a do it yourself totally its a little of both your calling on the universe to hand you something, while your pushing your energy into it. You may also call upon a spirit, angel, demon, or god to help you threw the spell as well. Many do that on here they just use demons, gods or spirits call on them to get what they want let the spirit do the work, so they donā€™t have to direct their energy into it to make it happen. Also remember to see yourself having it, and receiving it


Also this spell, delivers weird results, you could save 500 dollars on something is how you would receive the money, sometimes its not direct instant cash in hand from someone.


I believe that spell works cause putting the hand on the flame give you the warm you have with the money as it was in your hand?!? As for green represent the color of bills ā€¦ Just my theory. :grin::heart:

Thanks for sharing this spell. I read about it a few months ago, and used it last night. It took about 15 minutes. Before starting the ritual, I listened to some energy music linked to ascension seats to balance the chakras and get into a high vibrational state. The warmth of the candle felt good on the hands. My hands are still warmer than normal and tingling a day later. As I repeated the words over and over, I visualized $500.00 in the form of 5 $100.00 bills. I imagined opportunities and income sources flowing in. When the candle burned out. I said ā€œSo mote it beā€ and act with the expectations that things will happen. Now I shall forget about the ritual, to let the intent and energy manifest. Thank you.


Welcome @J79 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


If you donā€™t mind me asking, in what forms have you gained money with this spell, how dit it come to you?

Could you tell me 10 different examples in your life?

Thank you for the ritual tutorial, to be honest, the first month I only got 50 with it, but the second month, this time I got 500 through it, it took effect very quickly and I received it the next day, thank you again. (but itā€™s in RMB qwq)


The $500 spell didnā€™t work. I did it in January and got nothing. In early February I got more than I asked for due to a bad situation. This is the second time a money spell or work has recently backfired on me.

Who wants money when the circumstances are very bad and upset your life and future. Why do these spells backfire even if they work sometimes? I got a lump sum that really helped, but long term Iā€™m in a stressful situation.

I also did a green candle spell I saw here, but nothing happened. The other thing that worked was a money manifestion video with subliminals. I got hundreds quickly, but at a bad cost & stress. What am I doing wrong or am I cursed?

Does this mean money magic isnā€™t for me or I have bad karma? It works but bad!

Before doing a spell, cast a circle for protection, then close it after. Take a shower to remove any negative from you before doing a spell. Dress in something comfortable. Meditate to clear your mind before preforming the spell. After casting the spell donā€™t think of were the money will come from either. Just go on about your business, and do exercises that clear the mind.

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Thank you very much. Great advice. Iā€™ll report back with results. I appreciate you sharing several spells. Money magic clearly works. I need to elevate my game.

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Hi guys

i living China too.I like magic and spells.

maybe we could contact with webchat?