Real LHP talk

Yeah I think kinda along the same lines in that regard. Definitely about reclaiming power, though other “paths” also have similarities in that regard. Power is power, though one power isn’t necessarily the same as another, yet power is power. Natural magick for example could very well be considered “LHP”, though for the most part, especially in this day and age it’s been taught and abusively so as “RHP”
That whole “we’re all light crap”…if that were true, there would be no darkness.
And nature has no conformity, it is both and stays both.

It’s not a partial conspiracy, really the modern “new age movement” had to be counteracted by older forms in order to bring it to what it is today, due to the fact that the whole “love and light” movement is based almost entirely on religion. The introduction of spellcraft into society and metaphysics was to counteract the works of the “dark ages” where they stole all the info and kept it for themselves minus a secretive and select few. (It is the actually reason the dark ages are named that way, as they stole the truth (or the light) from people and replaced it entirely with religion. The conspiracy is, that it was supposed to be released onto the populace keeping in line with the religious values and ideologies.
Couldn’t keep it that way though.

Angels were taught in hypocrisy, once again based entirely off religious ideology, as most magicks of the time were. There’s far bigger fish than angels, though get to know angels well enough and you’ll certainly find that their basically the enemy of free will and the slavers of the spirit world, due in part to religious teachings and subconscious programming of will. They don’t much like it themselves, but that’s the push and pull of life.

For the most part we are our own masters, though even masters have masters in the end.

Once again I totally agree, duality whether one accepts it or not is a constant.
One cannot withstand the duality of life/existence, best example being one individual vs the entire planet.
But I’m just ranting, frustrated…it’s one of those FTW days and the love and lighters too, with their denials and supposed entitlements. :smiley:

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