Real LHP talk

Like Al I’ve been here for a bit (not near as long as he) and often find myself lurking and blowing past threads that read frivolously far more than posting. Like Al, your OP made me realize I have a comparatively odd lot I want to say in reply to it, too.

As some have already noted, occult communities of any size in general aren’t where people for the overwhelmingly large part learn magic. It tends to be master or small coven to student even IRL, and the bigger the org the more damn people you have to let into the mix by definition which in itself carries hazards for the dilution of quality experience and information.

The internet compounds this problem with its own quirks as operant on people’s personas; put succinctly, they LARP more because they can let off more steam and ham it up without the real life accountability and stigmatization a cluster B would actually catch for acting the same way in real life.

That’s point 1.

Point 2: People usually, (and I mean literally no middle ground or alternate path of any size is occurring to mind here) are born occultists or they turn to magic when they’re really up shit creek and all other recourse for fixing it has failed them. Those aren’t mutual exclusivities but one or both of those things as far as I can tell is what it takes before someone’s inclined to take any of this shit seriously at all.

By desperation is overwhelmingly more common in my experience than by birth and desperation is a hindrance on getting results with magic. As it’s often deep set and internalized, overcoming it before you cast something that works takes an apeshit amount of discipline and conscientiousness or else exceptional “killer instinct”, and ideally a combination of the two.

Point 3: Everyone’s here to learn or gain something. In my opinion, they find what they’re looking for any way they cut it. What varies is how honest they are with themselves about what that actually is.


Love your words and your understanding of the system we are in vs the system we want to be in. Real LHP is a narrow path and only has room for one at a time. I do like the communication that happens, but as you have pointed out, LARPing might be fun for some, but I find no desire in calling on the primordial forces for ingredients for a honey jar. Time is not linear and neither is our ability to learn how to create our own system (world). THANKS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE.


I’m probably one of the most power hungry people you’re going to meet, but also quite preoccupied with making the most of myself, tidying my world up, and helping people around me do the same. I see absolutely no contradiction… :thinking:

Law of Attraction is a soccer-mom tier method, buy The Secret at Walmart after seeing it on Oprah, but at its core, about as LHP as you can get.

Power just IS, the trimmings are irrelevant.

“Mighty sirs, allow thy humble slave to feed you his own species and yet somehow not get screwed, please my masters!”

What you actually need to do is use them as a gateway to feed your own chakras, but if you groove on harming others, you can get that from LHP or from becoming a theistic suicide bomber, the excuse and dressing you choose to put on them are largely irrelevant.

Read this about “other people” and join the dots:

All that said, try searching for terms that interest you and set search to look before August 2013, that was the very early days of the forum, when it was a lot less tame, and there might be some stuff there which scratches your itch.

Another good cut-off date for search is March 2017, the forum went public then and the vast majority of results will just be other questions.


You dont read any of my posts do you?

I do. I was on a work call. I like what you have to say and a lot to learn from you. Thank you.

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PS re: “other people” - read these. Either the penny drops, or it doesn’t. :smiley:


And I’m glad i introduced you to the nephilim story bestie ^^

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Thanks bestie. ^^

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Your welcome bestie ^^

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I feel left out. I need a bestie too :broken_heart:


Words of a hero!


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Things are definitely stirring as I’m reading these. Thanks, Eva.


Looking forward to reading some of those topics. I browsed them just now


They are quite good. Definitely something you have to be ready for. I’m sure I could come back to them next year and get new lessons from them. Fantastic.


As you said, everyone’s different. And I agree. Consider that most, even around here, are coming from either a religious family or a religious society which have forged them habits and beliefs they can’t shake off and, in many cases (sadly in my opinion), they don’t want to because that’s how they were raised. Its hard for most humans to reprogram their brain. And even when they think they succeeded there’s always a part in their brain that refuses to accept that they were raised…well…wrong.

Depends how everyone views what “be a better person” means to them. Loving everyone, forgiving everyone, have strong morals, be a “self sacrificing person for the higher good” and other similar things is not what I sub under or what I consider a better person to be.
For me, its whatever helps for your development: To work towards mundane goals and skills in order to be able to love and enjoy your life here, cause you like it or not…well freaking deal with it, you are here. So you better realize that and fix whatever isn’t going according to your will, or you’ll be a miserable person for most of your life. And no, hooking with that chick on instagram you spoke a couple of times, isn’t a mundane goal unless you’re a teen.
Self acceptance, loving and respecting your self are necessary, how the hell you’re going to set and achieve your goals with a victim mentality?

Accepting, no. Learn how to manoeuvre around it and turn it, until you’re able to influence it according to your will, yes. That’s probably one of the most basic skills that many lack. It’s why you see so many “I want everyone who side looked me yesterday to die a horrible death” threads.

No, you don’t. You know why? Because majority of people in here belong to one of the two categories bellow:
The ones who think they’re little nothings.
And the one that think they were born/are already a living god and everyone has to bow to them because they say so.
(I’m not ashamed to admit that for some time I was under category no2.)

You know what’s common in both these categories? And I’ll be very blunt here. These people live a life they hate. They struggle to even pay their rent, work in jobs they hate, suffer from people who kick them around and in most cases there’s some mental issue involved. Category no2, takes ephemeral small successes as a proof they are gods.
Most forget that LHP and magic in general, are only tools to become a living god. You’re not a god or a goddess just because “you’re LHP”. I’ll sit here and be amused about how you think you’re a living god already but live a life you hate and can’t even influence your own self.

I like you. You’re good.


Thanks for all the knowledge. I don’t want to be a leader. But maybe that’s what it takes to pull people from their useless RHP. I think half would run back to Jehovah if they had to make God like decisions for their own life. I want to get to the place where LHP is what people see and what people want to attain for themselves.


I wouldn’t name you my leader anyways, I’m too self centered to accept anyone else as a leader than my own self :joy:

Hopefully one day this place will be less worshipping other entities and more self worshipping.


One of the first and best things ever said to me when I first started shooting the shit with other occultists on the internet was that a merely “righthanded” or “lefthanded” magician is precisely half a magician.


Love it. And if you are going to work LHP, why would you run to angels to protect you. I could never understand all the RHP in the Solomon writings. If you are going to command demons, then get enough power to tell them what to do. Don’t run to Michael and Raphael to get you out of the trouble you created.

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Angels do not equal RHP.