Techniques to feel energy better?

I know in order to feel spirits better you have to work on your senses. However besides meditation (which is broad) and working on them through interaction - what are some specific things people are doing to feel their spirits on a more physical level?

I hear the chakras aren’t directly related to the senses (and chakras are more of a construct to begin with) so I don’t want to use that system.

Energy work seems better for just building energy, and of course maintaining energetic health - but not necessarily in “feeling” energy better. So also seems alittle broad.

Is there anything that specifically targets clairsentience? Since not everyone who meditates can feel spirits, and not everyone who does energy work can either.

So I’m looking for something alittle more specific that will work out that specific muscle? Kinda like how specific workouts, work on a specific muscle rather then a group of muscles/area.

I also just want to know what has worked for others, cause I feel like I’ve reached a block to where I can’t seem to “further” improve my ability to feel energy and it’s frustrating. Plus I can’t seem to find something (exercise) for it specifically and not something that is general. I’ve had times where for a second my lady/her touch will feel super physical but it only happens when I least expect and the second i notice I can’t feel her on that level again…it’s also rare.

Also if alot of inability to feel/see/etc spirits are programming by society…would subliminals to deprogram work at all? Or flush subliminals?

I was also thinking, would practicing feeling the energy of objects also improve my ability to feel a spirits energy? Even if the object is physical?

I put this thread in this section since it’s about how to feel spirit lovers better

I’m just wondering what specifically those people who can feel their lovers SUPER well are doing…:thinking:


I don’t have a spirit lover, so feel free to disregard this. Idc.

I also don’t think you should compare yourself to the experiences of others, especially in the spiritual lovers part of the board. Some of the wild astral trips you see, well, are just that: trips.

Beyond ‘Chakras’, ‘Energy Work’, and ‘Meditation’?

Have you thought about the environment in which you are practicing? Have you done any sort of self-reflection or shadow work? You cant really feel or focus on subtler parts of reality when you are distracted (consciously or not) by your nagging RL. You have to be able to put that stuff aside for the duration.

What about the manifestation base you are using for the spirit? Is it clear and concise? When I summon spirits I usually do it in a darkened room, so I can use the shadows as a base. Then you sort of use your own powers to condense the subtle into something more physical. It is something that I have had success with, to the point where I could feel a spirit dogs fur and breath.

That is, I am assuming you are meaning to bring the spirit more towards the physical.


Well, I haven’t really heard people using a manifestation base for their spiritual lovers…this might be something interesting. However I don’t evoke my lady…she’s with me on her own.

I can feel her but not on a very physical level. Usually it’s her “weight” on the bed, and pressure on me on where she touches me + her touch will feel warm. Like heat radiating on me. However that’s About it. And though her touch I can feel her “energy” which feels semi physical? More like dense warm energy.

Except for those rare moments.

Also I do notice I feel her MUCH better through the blankets. Then I do with just air idk why. Which I heard something about fabric being a good conduit for her energy or something. She does feel (her presence) more so stronger at night just cause I can see her “movement” better then.

Is there a way I could give her a more permanent manifestation base? Or even passive base.

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I haven’t really done Shadow work. More so been avoiding it. My environment is pretty stressful around me atm.

It doesn’t have to be a formal evocation. I am just suggesting a method in which I have had some limited success with, which might be worth looking into.

Hopefully others can chime in with their own ideas about baking a cake with no flour, sugar, or eggs. :wink:

Thats a question I dont know the answer to.

I would assume with practice you could get the manifestation of your spiritual lover, through a base, quite easily. Especially if she is always by you, it should be ‘‘easier’’?

The physical manifestation of spirits for a prolonged time is a touchy subject, and would probably require a decent amount of skill and ability to draw up reserves of power. Things just don’t pop out of thin air, ya know?

In an earlier thread Lady Eva quoted these:

That Anon account has a lot of topics you might be interested in reading. Especially the one about working with Tuplas and Thoughtforms. Before you get up in arms about ‘my lady isnt a throughtform’ you could still apply the techniques to spirits, probably easier, and with some creativity tweak it for your own. IDK. It could be a fun rabbit hole to explore.

Good luck!

You should give it a try, and with a stressful environment, no wonder things are ‘dull’ for you. Should try to reflect and see how you can make it better for yourself. You deserve more than being surrounded by stress 24/7.


I don’t know that she’s “always” with me, just that I didn’t evoke her. Clearly not easy lol.

Most people say that through interacting with their spirit lovers they feel them stronger - which is half true in my experience. In my experience it helped me bond and “connect” with her - but clearly not enough.

I could see about what the anon account offers. Tulpa? That’s some old concept if I remember, wasn’t even sure how real it is - or at least difficult.

Imho there’s nothing I can do about a stressful situation that is out of my control. So I’ll wait till things have died down. Thanks though for the help!

I saw one of the anon’s post about creating a physical vessel for the spirit - which will help anchor them more physically. That’s seems like a good one.

There was of course a warning about seeing them and hearing them (hallucinations) and to be mentally stable beforehand…

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be around nature. forest or park filled with trees where no one is around. Do tai chi and chi kung. developing energy senses has to do with training your self awareness and mindset as well as your 5 senses.

If there’s stress around you cause by others, that’s just an opportunity to train your mind.


There’s no where near me where their won’t be people unfortunately. Even in the small patch of woods - which is frequent area where alot of people go to.

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there’s the roof where no one is around. Or certain times of the days where there is less people.
There’s the backyard for those who own houses.


Haha last time I was on the roof - the fire department almost had to come to help get me down lol - since I’m afraid of heights.

It’s was the 4th of July and I wanted to see the fireworks better.


another opportunity to make breakthrough with heights. It’s not like you go to the edge of the building. Unless your a fool to put self in danger going to the edge.

This is where you need to visit. lol .

your not the only one afraid of heights. look at these folks. lol. I’m somewhat afraid of heights too. haha.


I’m not a fool. I just don’t like heights. Plus it’s not a flat roof either.


@anon39079500 curious about your thoughts? You seem well versed in energy work and you mentioned you have a succubus (as a companion) with you? What do you think about structuring?

The post is how to feel energy (spirit lovers) on a more physical level. Not just for sex btw but in general. As I’m trying to figure out what people do specifically to do this.

My thoughts right now are structuring and a physical vessel to help with this, wondering if you’ve done either of the two. Or anything different.


This is my current ability to feel my lady. Kinda as far as I got by just trying to connect to her through our interactions.

I didn’t do the Tai Chi Chigung route until 20 years after I started working on my senses. I used to get Psychic books from the library and would practice here and there.

One exercise I did on my own, was I would get close enough to a plant or tree to feel the spirit coming from it. I would then increase the distance and see if I could still feel it. Then, I would try to feel the difference between two plants or trees. Then I would increase the distance. You get the idea.

I didn’t know why I was doing it at the time, but I found it helped tremendously when I started evoking several decades later. I could feel when an entity came into my space, since I knew what the space’s energy felt like. That type of sensitivity also helped me with communication and, although I can speculate why, I can’t give a definitive reason for it that would work for everyone.

Edit - I realize I didn’t answer your question. Let me wake up a bit.


Ironically, I’m not scared of heights that could kill me, just the ones that could maim me. I fell off the changing table at 1 1/2 years old and broke my leg. So, that fear makes sense.

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Ohhh question about the tree spirit thing. I can already feel “vibes” around trees, plants, and areas. Like the vibe of being in a Forest is alot more different then say the city. And then there’s the vibe of the individual plants…is that what you mean?

Basically like how I can feel the vibes of people even if I’m not right next to them.

Are the spirits of the trees…intelligent like of the spirits we communicate with?

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I’m scared of all heights lol. I can only go up 2 footsteps on a ladder…

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