Question regarding evocation and Goetia

Well, this is my question: what methods of evocation do you use when asking a demon for help? Is it really necessary to use the Key of Solomon for this type of operation? I myself have been using Aleister Crowley’s Liber Astarte to design my own rituals, but there is so much written about the circle, the triangle, etc, that it confuses me a bit.
What do you think?

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I would develop my 3rd eye, get the Demon’s sigil, chant their enn, focus on their sigil, and ask them to come into me , possess me, ride me, as they wish.

4 Likes . these can be used to increase one’s abilities and energies.

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thank you!

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For evocation I use E.A. Koetting’s techniques, which is rooted in Solomonic magick but relies on your own name as a living god not calling external entities to do your work for you. It’s very simple and ceremonial but doesn’t need extensive supplies and timings. He calls it magick without the bs. :smiley:

He runs a course on this, you can also watch live rituals where he performs this and you can get the gist by watching, and he has a few books, but this is the book that has the same content as the course.

This is INvocation. You asked about EVokation, do be clear on the difference as they have different effects. I would suggest sticking with evocation if you’re newer, until you have practices ensuring you get the entity you wanted: time wasting impostors are a thing, unfortunately.

If you want to search here on the parasite tutorial collection we have info on making sure you stay free of unwanted entities.


tank you!

@Mulberry I’m not really into invocation, so it’s ok. I know there are a lot of entities eager to tell you “yes, hi, I’m Pombagira” and they are an Egun or something worse. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I once got a sigil of Belial, put it in a man’s truck to attack him. 12 years ago. For several years I have been attacked by a man in my mind that kept reminding me of Belial. As Lady Eva said, Belial told her to hit him, as he hates weakness in himself and others… Testing me, I suppose… A few years back a lady met me on Discord, saying that Belial told her to contact me. Which is how we met. A couple months ago, I got a pact with the Demons from an online organization. Belial answered and said he was pleased with my request, to Possess me and Ride me. He also encouraged me to keep spreading the information. The point I am making here is, “”“If the Demon is interested in you, he/she will choose you”"". Thank you Belial.


Since your third eye is now fully develop chanting their enn for quiet a few times and meditating on a sigil would make it easier for a demons to communicate and or spread it’s energy around the area but in evocation do you usually use an incense or draw a triangle?


I only use an inciense, sandalwood of dragons blood. I cast LBRP before and after.

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I don’t use anything other than ask them to come into me, and/or attach to me.

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