Question about ‘Success Magick’ by Damon Brand

There are 49 rituals of Enochian magick in this book, but it hasn’t been made clear whether I start with ritual 1,2,3,4,5 or whether I can handpick for example ritual 1 and 4.

Do I need to follow the rituals going consecutively from 1 till 49? Or can I just handpick some of them without an order?

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May I ask what are those rituals for? Or those are high magick rituals that seem to do nothing but in fact do everything?

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The rituals are supposed to aid you in becoming successful. For example ritual 1: perception. Ritual two: clarity. Ritual three: pathway

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Well, when I get those kind of books, I look first for what I’m interested into/what I care for/what is useful to me/what I don’t know about, and later I may or may not read and/or do the rest of the stuff. Sometimes the book becomes fundamental for my practice, other times it is forgotten forever. Even though sometimes the rituals/spells/explanations are explicitly intented by the author to be done/read in order, I don’t usually care, that’s because of how my will works, but maybe your will works differently. Sometimes there are things you already know/have

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You begin at the beginning, with Ritual 1. Brand states right in the book that the ideal way is to work consecutively. He states that it is far more effective than picking through to see if there is something to fit your needs.

The book is similar to Wealth Magick in that it is meant to be a complete life overhaul, not a recipe book of spells. You can grab a ritual to meet your needs, but the power lies in the complete system, not the individual rituals.


Ok thanks, I’m starting to think you’ve got the book as well. Can I in a consecutive way work with multiple rituals? Or only just one?

I do have the book, and I have worked Ritual 1.

No. As a general guideline, Brand says to perform each ritual for a minimum of 3 days, but no more than seven.

They don’t have to be consecutive days, though. For instance, you could perform a ritual for three days, take a day or two off, and then perform it again for the remaining four days, totalling seven days of ritual.

When I did ritual 1, I chose to do it for seven consecutive days.

To quote Brand,“if you perform each ritual just for one day, don’t expect much to happen.”


planning to experiment with this book. I’ve read through it, does anyone have any experiences with it that they are willing to share?


We might have different version of the books because in my book he writes optimally 7 and if you want to keep the power fully in your life do it 11 days in a row

P.82 point one. but he also states that you can do it however you want:" this guideline is open to wide interpretation"

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You have to start with 1 and go on , don’t skip. The whole thing will take a year to finish

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I’m working through it. I’ve been doing 7 days per ritual. Currently am at the fifth ritual.

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Start from the beginning.

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That’s weird. I don’t think we are talking about the same book then, because the only books of Brand’s that I know of where he says to do a ritual for 11 days is his 72 Angels of Magick and his Wealth Magick.

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we are talking about success magick right? The one incorporating enchain rituals, just check page 82.


Ah, I see what you’re talking about. In the section on the Rituals of the Angels, he says “In general, perform each ritual for seven days…if you feel the desire to work with one ritual for more than seven days, you can keep going, but I believe after eleven or more days you will have inevitably connected with the full potential of the ritual.”


Correct :slight_smile:

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One of the best books on enochian magic ever


@DarkestKnight Do you think commencing “success magick” while I’m halfway through “wealth magick” is advisable or not? Do you think it would be too intense. Ideally I’d think that it’s best to concentrate on one a time but seeing how I’ve got a few more months to go on “wealth magick” and the success magick is even longer to complete, I kind of feel like I’d like to get started sooner rather than later because I see wealth as more related to money and success more related to all several areas of life and I sure have a lot to work on and fix.

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Don’t do it.

Finish Wealth Magick and then start Success Magick. Patience is the key.

You might feel that you are loosing on time. You will have all the time in the world. You have started Wealth Magick because that’s your desire to amass wealth. Stick to it. See through the end of it. If you get diverted by another book your will power will get weak.

Success Magick book will still be there when you are done with Wealth Magick and there is a whole life ahead of you to be successful.


Thanks for the sage advice @Sorcerer_Supreme.

I’ll finish it patiently and put my trust in it and keep going. I’ve had so many life setbacks of all kinds and falls but I guess it takes time to get back up again. One day at a time.

thanks again!

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