Question about ‘Success Magick’ by Damon Brand

Brand actually mentions that you can work it in conjunction with other magic and that wealth magic can be empowered through the enochian rituals. I can search for the page if you want too…

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Yes, I think you should.

Brand says in the book that doing so will empower other workings so I don’t see why you can’t, especially since Success magick begin with making changes in you, not the external world. The first ritual, for example, is to open your perception and provide you with a vision of success to work toward.

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The enochian magic is behind the creation of the Universe or at least this one, which we know. It can only empower other workings

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I bought the book but only flicked through it, have not read it properly but I will now. Thanks, I’ll find that page :+1:

Sorry I got ahead of myself in previous reply. Yes I remember that he says that in the wealth magick book. I thought you were referring to the success magick book, which I bought but haven’t started on.

If they can work together like that, it could work out then. I am lacking a bit in the ideas/vision department which never used to be a problem in the past but only in recent years due to tough circumstances which have caused creative blocks.
Thanks @DarkestKnight :white_heart:

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I bought the kindle version first, but I am waiting for the paper back as well.


I’m actually really excited about this book because of that (and it’s a more approachable safe system). I was wary of the older books on enochian because of the warnings.

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Me too, but I actually want to do this project.

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I hope the enochian magick brings you success in the project

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Thank you.

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