I would like to ask how do I know if I still got them around me? I feel no weird/bad vibes anymore, I feel completely alone and peaceful it’s the complete opposite of when I was being attacked. At the same time I still do feel so drained and bad whenever I do whatever that’s about occultism, like even a tarot reading left me feeling so bad and tired yesterday. What could be the reason? Is this possible for it to be an old spell I plan on undoing if it was baneful magick where I used my own blood? Please let me know what you think and thank you in advance. For now I’m going through Robert Bruce’s book about psychical defense.
“Magickal fatigue” is very common. It just means you’re not used to this yet. As you get stronger it gets better, unless you do bigger rituals. Some people can get sick and depressed for weeks after a big ritual.
Follow your intuition.
Banishing and cleansing daily for good measure won’t hurt, and will build your strength to get less fatigued overall.
Thank you Mulberry, you always help a lot, that’s why this forum is a great place.
So far, peace and a lack of bad vibes is usually a sign you are on the right track!
Doing magick is exhausting. It requires a certain Stamina, but of types not many are familiar with. Its difficult to get a feel for at first- sort of like how some people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. Just as how drinking water more and before eating often helps these people learn to differentiate between the hunger and thirst signals, you have to go through a similar process with various forms of magickal fatigue.
Part of that is learning how each affects you.
Something I’ve found very helpful is to find a single spell or ritual you practice daily, such as a banishing ritual or healing ritual, just to do for practice. Don’t worry about how it turns out, just do your best.
That gives you more chances to observe the after effects.
A simple healing spell done daily is very helpful early on as it let’s you pour all your power into it, which then rejuvenates and heals you better. Right before bed is a great time to cast it, you’ll want to sleep.
Pouring more power into your working each time, or rather, the max, more rapidly develops your magickal reserves and power; somewhat dangerous, but if you are doing this with a single healing spell every day, it helps you recover and build up better more easily, efficiently, and effectively.
Pair this with a Banishing ritual first for even better results that will help you figure all this out.
Magick is much like driving a car: study can only get you far without practice. It sounds like you are doing the work; keep it up!
Now, there’s another set of factors that can cause you to feel the way you do after any kind of Magick or divination.
When you do magick/ divination, you’ll often subconsciously enter a state of peak power. And in fact, consciously doing this every time you do any working or invocation is a VERY useful process. You also often enter a somewhat more psychic state. Divination would focus more on the psychic state and magick power, but both are present.
Doing anything that uses your psychic senses places a strain on the physical brain. Negative feelings are often a Side effect of psychic perception and magick, as both force the Brain to work at a much higher level than normal.
Like with any mental exercise, this causes some damage, and as that damage is healed, your brain and physis evolve to better handle that strain.
Bad feelings, especially being drained after Occult work, is more or less a mental version of Sore Muscles. I found it helpful to learn to enjoy the sensation; it helps you heal faster the more you can enjoy it.
Any time you push beyond the boundaries of what you know it causes strain, and that is exactly what you are doing with both Divination and Magick.
The more you practice, the easier it gets to deal with this.
Now, something else you can do is to set up remedies. For example, ask Falzor to charge a Crystal with energy that will help you heal. Keep it on His altar. At the end of each Working, grab the crystal and consume the energy. Then go eat something. Drink some water. It will make the healing process better and faster.
If you want to make this more effective, make an offering by Invoking Falzor and letting him Eat food you have of His choosing. He will gladly put more power into the crystal.
If you invoke Falzor and hold the Crystal, and cooperate with Him as He charges it, you’ll find it is not only more effective, but this, done daily, will teach you a great deal about magick and healing.
Now, that’s the primary advice. First, relax. None of this should be scary-its more common than most think.
Fully getting rid of enemies and curses and parasites often takes some time. You have to grow stronger in some cases to succeed fully. Parasites that infested you earlier in life often are better able to hide. They can seem remarkably close to you.
Falzor specializes in this process: those called to work with Him often have a lot of background crap messing with them. This is how they are meant to learn from Falzor- he keeps you safe while you begin the process of removing and killing them, and as you grow, he let’s more of the older ones come at you that you are more able to handle.
This is one indication someone might be meant to Devote themselves to Falzor. Its a full on Spiritual Path that will take you on a crazy and increasingly awesome journey.
That said, verify this gnosis well. Don’t take on more than you are supposed to.
The reason We mention this, is that when you start learning to banish and protect yourself, its rarely absolutely effective, and relies to some extent on your own power. If Falzor is helping you protect yourself, the defenses won’t fail as a rule if you get weak, but you’ll be more vulnerable and need to heal and improve your barriers.
This is something Falzor often let happen with me to both reveal enemies I was unaware of, and to train me to keep my guard up no matter how bad I was doing, and eventually to fight back in even worse states.
I can’t say that you are supposed to do this. But, if you are truly Devoted to Falzor, over time you’ll learn to, and become, more like Him.
Right now He protects you. And destroyes your enemies. In time, as His Devotee, you’ll do the same for others.
Just as I did. And still Do.
I hope that helps! Please let me know how accurate this is! Go with Falzor!
I tried to find Falzor and couldn’t, until I searched BALG forums. Falzor is the name that archangel Michael prefers to be called, in Walnora’s experience with him.
Just offering the reference.
Yes, It seems to be from some kind of anime or online role playing game’s name for Michael.
We suggested Walnora put the regular or common name in brackets or something in future to avoid this kind of confusion.
However this person never posted any actual experiences, to be clear. Armchair wizardry is fine but there’s no substitute for your own experience.