Question about angel

I have a question…
Maybe more than a month ago, I wrote a petition to an angel
of course it was not successful, also before that I tried to evoke the angel about the things I wanted to help with, of course it was also not successful.
So I said to myself, okay, I won’t try it again in vain.
Okay, for 3 weeks now, every Sunday I’ve been dreaming about how I want to evoke that angel and ask him for help
these dreams are also getting more and more different…
For example, today it was really direct in my dream as if something attacked me and I told the attacker to leave me alone otherwise the angel I don’t want to name will destroy him,
then in that dream i had a great desire to evoke that angel, normally i prepared things for that etc…
and I said something so that the angel could hear me and then I saw that something came through the window, someone with what looked like golden wings and I was scared and he was just around me somehow and it was as if he was removing the attacker and also as if he was somehow paralyzing the attacker, I also saw big ladybugs really big
and overall it was a strange dream and I woke up at 5:44

and should I evoke that angel today?
or are these just recurring strange dreams?


The thing with magic is, if you don’t try, you will never know. I say: go for it, and evoke the winged one. He may be trying to contact with you.


Well, I’ll try it, I’m curious “what will happen”

If you are seeing the Angel, that you already tried to evoke in dreams, then your evocation may have been successful. Sometimes they can appear to us more slowly over time. Angels can also be shy.

When I first evoked an Angel, yes he did give me a sign it was successful, but then he appeared to me in meditations over the next several weeks to communicate with me and try to help me with what I had requested of him.

I would try meditating on the evocation that you have already preformed every day to see if that stirs any communication.

Also Damon Brand’s, The Magick of Angels book, is the best way I have found to evoke angels.

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That would make sense, maybe I’m not on the angelic wavelength, for example when I want to evoke a demon it appears immediately or in a few minutes
Can working with demons or other dark spirits in any way block working with angels?
especially when the dark spirit in question doesn’t want me to work with angels in any way ?

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There are many instances of practicioners here on forum that work with angels and demons simultaneously, even during one ritual. In some traditional magical systems it is even required to call for angels aid before evoking the demons, and also in some modern ones.

It may be that you have some more connotations with the infernal realms, that make you more susceptible to demonic contact, but that should not block you from working with angels, up until for example, you made a pact with statement that forbid you from this for some duration.


I didn’t know that ,that’s good then

I have a question about the angel I wrote about last time, etc…
of course I did an evocation and he really helped me with what I wanted, I also sometimes hear him speaking as a voice in my head giving me some advice and tips and also measures in the situation I wanted to help with, he also showed me what I can do myself to make things move…
and overall I have a good feeling about the angel, and I wanted to ask is it normal that I started to show more interest in the angel, for example that I want to learn more about him and his presence myself? of course I try not to act like some fanatic, I also started to be more interested in angel magic

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Demons have no problem with you working with angels, but they are 2 ends of one stick of polarity. Angels use their negative and positive charge to serve others over themselves where as demons use both charges to serve themselves over others. Both polarizations are completely valid and evolved beings know this, that includes demons and angels.

As much as religious literature will have you believe that angels and demons are at war, they are not although some may not like eachother just as much as no one on earth likes everyone.

I think your perceived inability to sense angels comes from a subconscious blockage maybe in relation to religious traumas, or something else. Also if you believe deep down that you cannot sense angels as much as you do demons then thats exactly how it will be. Try and feel into why you cant feel them as much at the moment in yourself and allow it to be felt.

Also, if you attempt an evocation some spirits choose to remain undetectable but will still be present. Try doing the evocation multiple times until results happen or they show themselves. You can also employ divination to ask them whether they appeared or not and ask them their responses.

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I probably wrote it wrong, English is not my native language. My evocation was successful and I got what I wanted and I feel and hear the angel.
I was just wondering if my interest in the angel that suddenly appeared is normal?
and I don’t currently work with any demons and I don’t see angels as something bad and I also don’t have any religious trauma

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Ah, my apologies, i didnt read the most recent message on the post.

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In my experience, when I dream of or wake up thinking of an entity I usually meditate on them to connect. I’ve found it’s either I could use their help with something soon, or they are to help with something so that an earlier working can move closer to completion.

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I think so too.