Queen Belial

In my recent workings with Belial, I got a couple of words to evoke him. When I translated the words, it came out to be ‘Queen Belial come to me’. So I’m pondering if Belial has a female aspect and whether the female aspect has similar attributes or are they completely different. I’d love to hear your opinions and experiences upon this topic!


:smiley: i tohught i was having a synchronicity then lol … we’re in a same FB group :smiley:

(sorry dont have anything helpful to add to your post tho!)


Spirits don’t technically have genders, they just choose what for to take


I think pretty much anything sentient has male and female aspects, though which is dominant and how much varies. I however have only encountered Belial in either male or genderless form


His planet is probably Jupiter and/or Sun, both male; then again, there are “planetary types” of people and they may be males as well as females.
I feel that 1) even if it isn’t amongst his main powers, he may help with love/sex (after all he’s one of the highest Kings and a gatekeeper, so he may deal with a large “spectrum”), and I once read here something like that, but I digress. 2) Back to the main topic, indeed it’s possible that he has a femal side.


Yeah, definitely some female demons in the Belial legions. I have seen them.


Thank you everyone for sharing your knowledge!

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Belial , ive only experienced as male … i do know like @Jastiv stated that he does have females in his legions. Some of them i listed in my discord group when i wrote about the houses of Belial.


King Belial has always been very much a Male with me. However, any spirit can choose to appear as either gender.


I have not experienced any female aspects. Depends on what you would classify as such but quite the opposite to be honest. This is the only demon I ever really worked with, so my perspective may be flawed.


I have seen him as female, though he still retains a very masculine attitude and sex appeal if that makes sense. He is tied to the scorpion and they are known to be very devoted parents.


Exactly how I see and feel him, I just bought him a Black scorpion piece of artwork he wanted too.



apperantly some other people have the same findings as you.i will meditate upon the female belial tonight


My depiction of Queen Belial…


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When i called on Nergal he came as a woman

I wouldn’t call it an aspect, some demons can change their gender just as that.


Never in my experience,but for someone else maybe

He has always been as stereotypically ‘male’ as male can be with me.

Very charming, sexual and muscular /tall


@DarkestKnight my bad guy. Sorry… But I’m no magician. I’m just… A lame guy… This was like… the best thing I ever drawn even tho it still kinda sucks. But Belial (To Me) Is the Queen of Northern Hell, Earth, the damned, the worthless, lawless, perverted. And if allied (according to myth), she’ll grant wisdom, and [edit no.2] temporal insight [e.s.p] beyond mortal comprehension. But I just wanna be her bitch… cuz I honestly suck, and leeching onto a powerful, beautiful creature is the only thing that helps. Thankyou for not having it removed or having me booted or sum shit like that, thankyou.(edit3: the uhhh forum has like 6k intros, and the mobile format requires me to scroll to the end to comment so I feel trolled)

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any update