This will be my journal for my pathworking which will last as long as necessary. In my readings with my tarot deck it’s supposed to bring great success in many ways but also the bringer of periods of difficult times and the burner of excess and unneeded shit, excuse my french and something having to do with crisis of personal identity (probably making me confront that) we will start with Naamah and work our way up.
Oh and we’re lumping in Arachne as well, due to certain connections. But that’s not for awhile.
Six of discs-power, influence, rank, title, achievement, success, prosperity, time in the sun, material gains, ventures prosper, generous and just.
Four of discs- Dominion, rank, earthly power, legacy, inheritance, property, a safe, vault, a strong box, gain of money
Sun reversed (see op(
Essentially, I’ll have more power, more of a powerful grip on this world, great success, etc. At the price of destruction here and there. Seems about right.
Already seeing sychronicity: “by the Serpent, which is either Samael or Lilith, and this promise is fulfilled when the adept accomplishes the initiatory journey through the successive Qliphothic realms and reaches the sphere of Thaumiel. Before this happens, you have to pass the ordeals of the seven lower realms (from Lilith to Gha’agsheblah), where you are confronted with manifestations of the personal shadow and learn how to awaken and develop your inner powers. Then you have to yield to death in the Abyss of Knowledge (Daath). And finally; you need to re-create yourself through the divine triad (Satariel- Ghagiel-Thaumiel).”
I had a specific ritual meditation where I met with Naamah. It had been sometime, for the last time I crossed paths with her, she predicted the death of my grandmother and it happened so. Her appearance had changed it a bit. I was in a darkened forest that gave off the feelings of a cave but lacked the appearance of such. I asked “who are you”. The girl stepped forward as said "I am the lady of death, destruction, sex, whispers and darkness. I am the sister of Lilith. I am namaah. I asked what lesson she had for me and she reached into the ground and pulled out my corpse. “Death.” I said, without really having a reaction. She spoke "Not physical, but emotional and mental change. To surpass, change must occur. You allow your feelings to control you, rather than you control it. You react instead of thought before action. You seek validation, because you lack care of yourself. This is what I have for you. For now.
I get the feeling in the next few moments, she will be showing me a lot.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: OAA / Evocation question
Thank you. You are on the money with this.
Most people only think Naamah and Lilith are sex dolls for their amusement. Until they’re making it clear they’re not.
Sounds like my reading to love yourself is coming up and to restart your shadow work too x
It’s still been going lol, I just don’t really share it
Another synchronicity. In yoga the instructor said to not over stretch. Specifically “don’t let your ego control you. You control it”
So manifestations are already occurring. I’ve just got done talking to some old friends. They’ve changed. They’re… Just not the same. One wants to die and the rest have practically turned to nothing. Wasted time and potential. I told them: " it doesn’t matter how you fall, what matters is how you rise above it. There’s a warrior in you, find it." All I got in return was “nothing to rise to” “I don’t care” “people treat me like shit”. I felt this pure rage fill me and exert itself upon them. I told them “the only reason you’re treated this way is because you let them treat you like this. You not caring is exactly the problem. You stopped caring about yourself. I expected more from you. But you’re not me. I cast nothing aside and I fight I won’t stop until I’ve exaughsted every fiber and grain of my being. Goodbye.” With that I’ve cut them off. I received a message after this,
“One by one they will fall, the walls. The warrior shall emerge. When all unite, only then will true power be born.”
I’m seeing 222 and 2222 everywhere now. The doors are open and the warrior-boy walks through. What will he become shall remain to be seen.
Kek’s twos-of-truth.
Today (22nd of the 2nd month, and 2018 adds up to 2) may be significant for you?
Huh. One sec.
Well my birth number is four. But according to some research I did, some doors are going to open. Now’s my chance.
Two by itself has to do with balance, Harmony and duality.