For those of you that know me and read my Journal, know that King Paimon is my Patron and I work closely with him.
For those of you that don’t, I have to tell you something. King Paimon is my Patron and I work closely with him.
I’ve recently started Invoking him on a weekly basis. Sundays mostly.
As an Offering and Sacrifice to King Paimon and as a Service to the LHP Community and my fellow Practitioners I will be taking the first three questions from BALG members that post them on this thread on a weekly basis.
Please post your questions when you see the title say OPEN.
Please do not lose your shit on me if he chooses not to answer your Q. I do not control him, he decides who he wants to answer.
Post your question on here. If you want a private response, do mention it. I will be posting answers in public unless explicitly mentioned. The reason is everyone can learn from one person’s question. Unless it’s confidential then it’s totally understandable.
Please do not ask controversial questions and ask things that are in adherence with the Forum rules.