Q&A with Astaroth and Tiamat

So I’ve done my daily rituals today. Here are the conversations I had with Astaroth and Tiamat, in a Q&A format.

Astaroth appeared to me as a female looking angel with long dark hair, wearing a crown. He was riding a dragon, and carried a serpent in his hand. Very similar to my profile picture. His voice was what I can best described as reptilian. Bear in mind I refer to Astaroth as he for personal reasons; spirits have no biological sex so don’t take this as me claiming that Astaroth is male. Astaroth, just like any other spirit, sexless. They can take whatever forms they want. Astaroth’s energy was definitely a mix of feminine and masculine. It was perfectly balanced, I’d say.

His/her appearance:


Anyway, here is our conversation.

Me: “What is your rank?”

Astaroth: “Prince, King, Grand-Duke…some of us are given multiple ranks, you see.”

Me: “What do ranks mean? Is your hierarchy really as described in the grimoires?”

Astaroth: “Ranks are merely a way for humans to relate to us better. Our hierarchy is based on power, function, and the manner by which we operate. A Prince, for example, operates differently from an Earl.”

Me: “Do spirits compete for rank?”

Astaroth: “Yes. But not because we want to prove ourselves to our peers, but because we want to grow in power.”

Me: “Have you competed before?”

Astaroth: “I have.”

Me: “In the Lesser Key of Solomon, it says you tell the story of your fall. Can you tell me what is this fall?”

Astaroth: “Think of the fall as the duality of god, the separation from god. Indeed, we have achieved this duality; we are separate from the cosmic mind many mistakenly refer to as the tetragrammaton.”

Me: “What does this separation from god mean, exactly?”

Astaroth: “It means we will never be integrated into what you call The Source. We are free.”

Me: “Why have you told others different stories? I’ve read from another magician that you gave him a biblical story.”

Astaroth: “Are they different? You do know that a single story can be told in many different ways. If you were to compare all of the stories that I’ve told, you would see that their essence is the same: we separated ourselves from the cosmic mind. We live separately from God. To the Christian, that’s what it means to be damned.”

Me: “Why not tell the story in one way, though?”

Astaroth: “I tell the story in different ways depending on the person I’m talking to. You humans complain how we are cryptic when you don’t understand us. But when we try to make it easier for you, so that every one of you can understand, you still are not satisfied. Interesting…”

Me: “Okay. Can you tell me about your relationship with Astarte?”

Astaroth: “Know that Ishtar, Astarte, Attar and many other names are but different masks of mine. We are all one, yet can be called separately.”

Me: “What can you offer to the magician? What do you do?”

Astaroth: “I answer all questions, teach liberal sciences, inspire passion, and so much more.”

Me: “Can you tell me your specialties most people don’t know about? You know that I’m sharing this conversation with other people.”

Astaroth: “Just point them to that website you like so much, that’ll be enough…”

(he means this Astaroth (Goetia #29) – V.K. Jehannum )

Me: “Okay this should cover what most people would want to know about you, I think. Any final words for the people at the forum?”

Astaroth: “Expand your network…”

  • end of convo

Tiamat appeared to me as something like this, only less cartoony (this is how ‘Satan’ once appeared to me, which is what I referenced in this convo):

Me: “Tiamat, can you tell me a bit about yourself?”

Tiamat: “I am one of the most primal and ancient manifestations of the draconic power. I bring about change, constantly fighting against the false order.”

Me: “What is the false order?”

Tiamat: “It is a spell cast upon this world by the group you call the Archons. You already know their names.”

Me: “Since I’m sharing this conversation with other people, can you tell me some of the names of the Archons?”

Tiamat: “Yahweh, Enlil, Anu, Allah, Marduk, Osiris.” (this has been confirmed to me before by two other forum members)

Me: “You look just like Satan appeared to me once. Can you tell me about your relationship with him?”

Tiamat: “We are lovers.”

Me: “What? Really? Wow, wait what about Abzu?”

Tiamat: “Him too.”

Me: “How does that work?” (I was surprised, sorry to the polyamorous people out there)

Tiamat: “Enough. Do you have any important questions to ask me?”

Me: “Sorry. What can you offer the magician?”

Tiamat: “I can help you ignite the black flame, and I can turn you into a destroyer. Alchemy and shapeshifting are other skills tht I teach. I can also help awaken the dragon.” (she might be refering to raising the kundalini, I’ve also asked via pendlum after the evocation, and it swung yes).

Me: “Are you a member of the Infernal Divine?”

Tiamat: “Yes.”

Me: “Are you involved with the gatekeepers?”

Tiamat: “Partially.”

Me: “What is your relationship with Azerate?”

Tiamat: “A part of my power resides within it. Azerate, ultimately, stands for the same principles as I do.”

Me: “That should cover it. Any final words for the people at the forum?”

Tiamat: “I welcome those who seek my counsel with open arms.”

  • end

Let me know your thoughts on this :stuck_out_tongue: These two spirits aren’t popular here at all, so I’m curious if they sound like you’d want to work with them or not.


Not bad.

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That’s really interesting!


Can’t comment on Astaroth’s answers, but that sounds exactly like Tiamat to me :heart:

I can’t fathom why she isn’t more popular to work with, even amongst Draconian practitioners :woman_shrugging:

She’s always been of utmost significance in my life, immediately sweeping me up in her arms as I tumbled and fell after renouncing the faith I was raised with. She set me on my path, has guided me, and has been the wind in my sails.

Highly recommend!


She seems like a great spirit; I’ll definitely work with her in the future! Her energy is quite powerful, too.

Have you worked with Qingu/Kingu and Abzu by the way?


Could you post a good sigil of Tiamat?

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Asenath Mason’s sigil of Tiamat:

V.K. Jehannum’s sigil of Tiamat (I used this one):


Thx c;

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Wait i thought osiris was just the egyptian god of death.How is he an archon like Yahweh?


I’m curious about Osiris too. Nice work @Ashtoreth!


I’d work with either…cool post.

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Not yet but it seems Apsu has been poking me lately trying to get me to make contact

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@GreyDracon @Nyxifer

Osiris was a name that both I and another magickan from this forum received from two different spirits. Osiris being a name for an Archon in this context. Whether this Osiris is THE Osiris of Egypt, or another entity that took the name Osiris for itself is unknown to us currently.


Let me know of your experience of them!

Separate but still living and operating in the same Universe/realm hmm this is something trully magnificent
Duality at its best

Prior to my own arrival on this forum, Tiamat gave me a similar statement about Yahweh, or Jehovah as it is pronounced by some.

In my own communion with Tiamat, she gives the account of Jehovah insinuating himself between her and humanity in order to cut them off so that he can monopolize divinity and keep humanity subservient to him. It’s why his religions are more violant and dogmatic than most others.


Can any moderator say why was he banned? Please

If you’re referring to Ashtoreth, just click on his avatar and it will tell you.

sooo. i have some questions if anyone can answer…
what is The Black Flame… the Infernal Divine… Gatekeepers… ect… everything mentioned in comment:

" Tiamat: “I can help you ignite the black flame, and I can turn you into a destroyer. Alchemy and shapeshifting are other skills tht I teach. I can also help awaken the dragon.” (she might be refering to raising the kundalini, I’ve also asked via pendlum after the evocation, and it swung yes)."

I cannot find much about any of these topics…

Welcome @AJNAAwakened369. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have. It is a rule of this forum.