You can search for horoscope.Astro-seek and choose the sidereal type; too
But I don’t know if you will still able to read the info on your chart.
Vedic astrology has a whole different system compared to the the western astrology.
Vedic has a system of nakshatras ( 27 constellations) and this helps to determine the timing of events in your life.
The nakshatras are like the Shem angels or the goetic demons if I have to compare them in western tradition.
For eg If Moon is in Capricorn in the nakshatra of Dhanishta, automatically this person’s mind is ruled by Poiel. You can assume the person will have some abundance in his life after working hard to achieve success. The level of abundance will be determined by other planetary placements.
Nakshatras help to determine the timeline of person
You can have great combinations in your chart but if the timing doesn’t come in the time of need then the combination won’t happen.
For eg you are looking to get fame and recognition for your creative endeavors, let’s say you are a novelist and Venus in your chart controls your fame and status, then until Venus main period of 20 years come or when the sub-period of some months in your life, success will come.
And if let’s say Venus is in the nakshatra of Dhanishta. This is very good for gains
One important thing too:
Vedic Astrology has almost 21 degree earlier in zodiac sign compared to the tropical western astrology.
In tropical Sun enters Aries on the 21st March- 21st April
In sidereal Vedic Astrology Sun enters on the 13 April - 14 May
Vedic Astrology is more accurate on the position of planets in the sky. Each 72 years, the Sun moves 1 degree ahead of a zodiac sign. After 72 years Sun won’t enter in Aries on the 21st of March but enters on the 20th.
With time passed Sun has changed its position from Aries for 24 degree. Sun moves 1 degree per day. So on the 21st of March Sun is still in Pisces. He will enter Aries after roughly 24 days which lends on the 13 April
This difference of degrees affects other planets too. Hence in western you would have Saturn in Virgo but in Vedic Saturn in Leo.
It doesn’t mean Western astrology predictions are false. They are still correct but the interpretation and houses would be different but still would resonate.
Vedic astrology focuses more on Karma and the desires of the person.
Western is more about the psychology of the native.