Ok i gotcha looks like i got some more studying to do.
Edit. She worked though if your looking for a spirits help. If the op wants theres like 8 or 10 for manipulation in the “kingdom of flames” not just king paimon who i love and im working with now.
Or do your own magick people have a thread about controlling chackras so you could work that.
I am not trying to curse them. I want my freedom. Thats all i ask.
They say that my friends are trying to hurt me. But i have consulted my spirits and i know that they wont hurt me.
Why should i sacrifice my future and get a mental disability? That has nothing to do with puppet magick.
I wish well for you, I really do. I grew up under honeschooled Christian oppression. Raving homeschool mothers ranting about endtimes and jesus return’… Omg… I wish I had spent more time focusing on my own life.
Because once your parents realize their expectations of you are void, they’ll give up trying to control you. They’ll begin to feel sorry for you and when that occurs you can manipulate them into getting what you want.
I would rather we use it on Islamists
Lololololol I have a strange love for middle easterns. I’ve always wanted a middle eastern wife actually. xD
Thanks. They would leave me if i dont meet with them for us to have good times together.
Okay. I will do that. But i think that King Paimon is the best right?
Thanks. Thats why you should help me in manipulating them to my will. Since you know how it feels to be in my shoes.
Okay but i dont think i am gonna do that. i will rather follow a magickal way.
Lol. i too love middle eastern women. Its the men that are evil and need to be destroyed.
how it *felt. I’m older now bud. I love my fam. You should accept them for how they are. Perhaps you’ll receive acceptance in turn.
Interesting. You want to control your parents against their free will. Live under their roof, eat their food, have them provide all your wants. And now, its so un fair that you cant go out side and play with your friends cause they will not let you. So you want to exercise your free will but deny them the right to exercise theirs? Not intending to be hurtful or mean here but WTF!!
Move out. Stop leaching on them. Make your own way. Perhaps some one will puppet you, some one very cold who will get you to throw your self off a roof, or step in front of a moving car.
If its good for the goose its good for the gander.
Then ear it, get a great job via the spirits that you trust to advise you and put you first, and be no longer in their house - post above me by @slayerofmen is excellent and covers every bit of advice you need.