Public thanks

I wanted to give a public thank you to the spirit Wal from the grimoire Pseudomanarchia Daemonum. From the grimoire:

“Wal, a Great and strong Duke: shows himself as a grat and terrible dromedary: and in human form he speaks with a heavy Egyptian language. This one above others procures the greatest love of women: he knows as well past, present, and future: he brings love of both friends and enemies. He was from the Order of Powers. He rules thirty-seven legions.”

I called him up a little more than a week ago, gave him my instructions and within days had success. If you have any need for love related goals, call on Wal, very quick results! Thank you Wal for the help!


Why do so many demons have the knowledge of past present and future?

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Ever heard the quote as it has been so shall it be? That’s my guess


Timelessness. Time has little meaning to them.


What method did you use for this @Reaper182

All I did was gaze at the sigil until it was flashing and looked 3D. At that point just visualize what I wanted as clearly as I could, then stated out loud my request. Simple stuff. This is pretty much my go-to method with spirit sigils.


Damn, my dumb ass never tried this.

It is great when you thank back a spirit. Generous reaction.