I had tried to use my psychic tendrils again but I think it has no effect when I first used it some people started yawning and feeling tired when I tried again nobody was tired nobody was yawning is there a blockage or some insecure reason why it’s blocked
Your targets simply could have unconsciously shielded themselves,
In addition to protections being had by many if not most people, I don’t think most of us start with tendrils. I think they are imaginary things that you have to work with to develop and actually have and use.
Imop it’s much easier to learn by simply putting a hand out and imagining the energy flowing to you. Not just visually imagine, but try to feel it and tell yourself in thought what you are doing so that your mind, subconscious and energetic bodies know what’s going on.
They’ve proven energy reacts to thought*, so just stating in your mind I am going to pull energy from this target into the palm of my hand while filtering off anything harmful to me, can make a huge difference.
Hm that can happen in the unconscious I know people who practice this stuff can shield themselves but I did not know that I’m still not too experience and knowledged in this interesting
Another option, especially if they are the same people, is that they have simply adapted to replace the energy. Vamps don’t make me tired because I can pull energy from the cosmos faster than they ca take it. I can also give them energy faster than they can handle it and make them sick, or deliberately give them sick or imbalanced energy.
Look at the people’s energy systems not just the external symptoms to figure out what happened.
And still yet, isn’t yawning in and off itself an indication the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen and not necessarily true fatigue?
Serious question! Seems like a lot could be going on here.
Yes. Doing qigong, doing breathing exercises like Pranayama and Wim Hof “Hoffing” commonly cause yawning for people not used to it. It can be a sign of energy moving or temporary changes in blood oxygen.
And then if one person yawns that tends to trigger yawning in people that see it. Something about mirror neurons an social bonding.
Wow! Where did you learn about that?
Well, I think I misspoke and should have used the word intelligent, or that it reacts to thoughts alone or something to that affect. I just saw a recent study that blew my mind on how they were proving literally everything is alive, but I can’t find any hint of it now, so I’m scratching my head on wtf. Maybe they disproved it already or something.
I spent twenty minutes looking for it, so I’ve ever forgotten where I read it, what I read or something else. I swear I read it out loud to my husband though, because he had one of those comments, so your telling me… Alas I can’t find it for reference so I retract that statement.
But there is proof that energy is affected by thoughts that can be found in studies on the observer effect and in studies conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto on the effect of words and emotions on water.
Wow thanks! The water experiment sound familiar.