Psychic spying

Hello everyone! So I know that I’m being spied on by psychics constantly (and more powerful than me). I’m growing tired of it. I need my damn privacy when doing my own work. Is there a way to cloak oneself without disappearing to the entities you are working with? I’m so mad.


I’ve heard that the “Rose Cross Ritual” is for cloaking


You can always try an old fashioned shield. Your intention and your belief in the shield will dictate its strength.
Ground yourself with a grounding cord.
Visualize a bubble around you, about arms length from your body completely surrounding you.
Now this is where your intention comes in handy. Something along the lines of "This shield will protect me from all forms of psychic attacks, any negative energies not stemming from myself, and will cloak me from unwelcome prying eyes, physical, astral, and otherwise, and mask my location at all times in all realities "

Next, visualizing your bubble becoming dark until it’s thick with a neon black haze and nothing inside it is visible.

You will need to borrow energy from the earth to maintain a powerful shield. Use your grounding cord to receive from the earth.

You will also need to consciously put up your shield and check to make sure it is still up throughout the day, for probably a few weeks until it is muscle memory.


And of course there are many rituals for protection etc, as well as pendants/symbols. A combination isn’t a bad idea. I’m going to recommend against petitioning a being. This is an opportunity to do it yourself and become self sufficient, Unless it truly gets bad. LBRP when you wake up and before bed is probably going to be recommended before long as well, which is literally never going to be a bad habit to have.

You could also put mirrors against your walls facing outward, is that a thing? It would be cool if that worked. (Now Im just spitballing ideas)


Can voucher for old fashioned shield method working wonders


Actually I like this shield intention so much, I’m going to restructure mine and test it out myself.
That’s how much faith I have in it.

A good shield can do almost anything. Of course deeper knowledge of symbols and sacred geometry you can infuse into your shield will also place some serious protections within it and maybe some massive added benefits! You could try organizing it in the shape of a 3 dimensional octagon or something to that effect and use your minds eye to inscribe sacred symbols into the individual sides for added benefits, kinda like loading out a firearm in whatever call of duty game.


Just remember to do general maintenance on your shields every month or they’ll fall to ruin


Thank you very much for sharing. :slight_smile: practice begins today ASAP. ’


Thank you all !!!

Hmm… seems like this thread is fine but just to aid more resources…

Get a BJORK rune
Vibrate BJORK into it 18 times feel and focus on the vibrations in the rune then affirm “ in a healthy and positive way for the carrier of this rune they are invisible”
This is one set, do this set how many time you are comfortable with but keep the total amount fixed for each day you do this!
You need to this everyday for 40 days straight before it becomes permanent…. Then all you need is to charge and cleanse the item!
Start during a waning moon on Aquarius, Taurus or pieces and make sure the moon isn’t void when you start! If you meditation during a void moon after that don’t worry! So long as you don’t start on one!

This means when carring the rune you can be invisible but when taking it off you are not! Also can be transferred from one to another so be careful! Also the statement “in a healthy and positive way” means people with positive intent can still see you!

Why would people be spying on you. ( Only if you are comfortable telling us. )
Christians ? Military ? ( in laws ? )


Throwing a guess out there. One she is working with demons this always worries people even in the magickal community it is the equivalent of talking about magick amongst Christians. Another guess is she isbprobably working with a very dark demon (enough to scare most people) or a LOVE demon and perhaps the person in question has alot of protection. Now of course, I may of been influenced by my lasy answer as I am getting waves of energy that someone from this forum worked with Beleth in the past day or two.

But yeah, what is the real reason?


That’s me. I worked with Beleth in the past couple days. How did you know

Are YOU spying on me?


Thays funny. Well Im a Sensitive so I felt it. Mentioned in Intro:

I also called Beleth a few times in the past to familiarize myself to its energy so recognized it immediately, but may of initially mistook it for Asmodeus. It had me curious as to the difference between the two demons as I dont really work with the that much.

Oh and Maca…there is someone always watching not juat psychically. It will be more and more like that in the days to come. No doubt governments. Wealthy individuals and VIP’s have their own psychics on hand.


I’m curious if you can actually tell everyone I’ve been running with this last week. It caught me off guard that you knew about Beleth. This is why proper shielding is important

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Dont get me wrong I dont do readings. But it wasnt just energy, I also felt alot of spirits come around. It was a combination of Recognition followed up with me questioning and two different spirits whispering it into my mind along with other details private to another said party.

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There is something going on and it may not just be you. I was tapped into on Saturday night. I felt it strong and my ears have been ringing since. I am not experienced in invoking/evoking but am highly sensitive can channel but only when they speak to me (i haven’t yet become self empowered Which is why I am here to learn.) I got involved with a pretty strong sorcerer (I think) and he has turned against me. He (or the entity he works with though is now speaking entirely through that entity for days now) with sent a pretty horrendous warning 2 days ago which I posted in a different thread as it seems to pertain to the world.

This isn’t really helpful to you i suppose other than to let you know you arent alone. Though I wonder if it is linked or just random.

There is someone on the forum who offers a course on protection. I think it is time I contact him.

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You can either blind them or cloak yourself, both have many ways around it.

You should ask a death entity to help hide you, they do it very well.


Hello everybody! Sorry for the delay. Here’s the answer:
People see me as a threat; as if I’m bringer of disgrace, bad luck, etc. One of them said that I bring disgrace, and I’ve had a curse or whatever since I was born (I don’t think that’s true) I’m also seen as a threat due to my lack of magickal experience. I don’t have the military or the govt after me lol, but I’m in a coven, in which spirits and one of the teachers is always watching me. I just feel it. I’m not trusted, basically, Idk why.

Since no one ever gave me an adequate cleansing of this “disgrace” that I have, I took matters into my hands joining the LHP, and doing the cleansings by myself and establishing contact with spirits. I do work with Azazel.