Psychic spying

I just want to focus on my ascent without any unwanted spirits or people getting involved. Only those I work with. I wish I was stronger and I wish I could see clearly.

How long have you been in the Coven? Are they people you speak to in the real world or an online thing?

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Yep. Real life sisterhood.

It’s been about a year… All is great, I just don’t want other spirits affecting my ascent… you know? Just my patrons.

Do they work with demons?

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Somewhat. I’m the one who’s 100% devoted to demons

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My friend I believe you even have created a new spell. Is that possible? I believe that whatever you infuse your intention and will to will work if you have the mental strength.

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They say mirrors can deflect energy naturally, that you can wear one on a necklace at all times to prevent negative energy being directed at you when out and about. Putting mirrors facing outward in your windows keeps some spirits from entering your home.

Also even visualizing mirrors around you works well too, I usually imagine being in a golden mirrored sphere of protection. Also you can visualize putting on an invisibility cloak (not a Harry Potter reference) with the intent of it hiding you from remote viewing, astral spying, and from being scryed upon.

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Get rid of any suspicious crystals, mirrors or other items you might have obtained from a shady person or place. They’re used basically as cameras. You can do all the shielding, cleansing and wingardium leviosas you want, but if you don’t get rid of the object or person themselves, it’s all worthless. These things or people should have psychic markers on them, like cameras in the grocery store.

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That being said…not gonna lie, I’d like to know to actually spy on someone myself :joy:

You could also try to disempower any items they may have obtained from you, that they use to connect to your energy…


Yea I was thinking that, you could neutralize the items. That’ll frustrate the hell out of them😂

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