Psychic attack Symptoms and Ascension Symptoms

Given the events since 2019 I can conclude that I’m definitely being attacked and not being helped by my attacker

Is there medical testing? Like a blood test?

There are tests that will determine if you are deficient in various vitamins. I don’t know if there are blood tests for neurotransmitters

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contact marquis sabnock. he can def help u

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If you’re female, the first bunch of symptoms on the list do sound a lot like hormonal imbalance. I’ve had that myself and it can be brought on by the weirdest and most subtle changes to diet or routine. Have you seen a doctor?

I’d second what the above commenter said: call on Sabnock. She will remove any and every parasite or invader on the spiritual plane (and may advise you on health issues if they exist, too)

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I would posit a question to you:

Have you been working at Ascension?
To experience Ascension symptoms, you’ll have to have done something that initiated those symptoms I would think. Or have been working at it, at least I would think so.

Next thing:

You yourself say this has been going on since 2019. So between a year and a half to two years no?

You have a long-standing problem, so it won’t have an immediate or quick solution overnight.

If you fall down a twenty foot hole, you have to climb all twenty feet to get out…(no, I’m not saying you’ll have to fight for years, but I hope you catch my meaning)

A big part of this I would think is a battle of wills.

Your will must be stronger than your attacker’s.

Go to war.

Well, those are my thoughts anyway

You should also consider the physical/medical angle as others have mentioned.


Here you have ascension symptoms

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I have considered the medical part because I am trans and haven’t been on hormones for a year. But when I banish these symptoms go away (then they come back).

I thought I was because I agreed to work with this person and spirit but apparently I got suckered. I was told to come to live with my mom but I’m realizing under attack of be left vulnerable cuz I wouldn’t have a room until after a fucking year and my mom is not with this shit.

Tbh my very first thought was that all the symptoms except maybe the “time dilation and vivid dream/nightmares” sound like menopause symptoms.

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^^^^(emphasis mine)

That kinda stands out to me.

This might be part of the problem.

Spiritual agreements can be a lot more binding.

You need to renounce or revoke that agreement.

Write it out, make it formal, then burn it ritually while focusing on letting go and moving on. Follow your intuition. If you feel like you need to do X and y while you do this as part of revoking your agreement then do so (within reason).

Something to try.

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I have some chronic physical health problems that get better after banishing and then worsen once the effects of banishing subside. The mind-body-spirit connection is real.

Have you heard of the concept of multiple souls? In witchcraft practices, its said that you have three souls and one of them is the physical soul, and that can affect the other souls and vice versa. The best way to treat most ailments (imo anyway) is to treat all three levels.

Maybe seeing a doctor would help with the physical side of things. but it doesn’t mean there is not spiritual aspect, you feel me?

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This makes the most sense. I’ve heard of this before. Except I don’t have health issues. These symptoms started dramatically and abruptly at a certain point in time at an exact date.


Yes, you would be the best person to judge what changed on that date then, I suppose. If you had a diary, you might want to check what it says too.

Hope you feel better soon :heart:

So what your saying if you put the wards up and they still happen its ascension, I’ve had all of them the past two months. I have put the wards up to stop them but yeah it didn’t work, so I just said fuck it I’ll deal with it lol its happening for a reason lol… so I said something to a healer a she said your ascending so I was like ok. ? Tho what’s the diff. Between Awakening and ascension? Or are they the same cuz I know on a conscious level I have had three Awakenings now this feels different then the others?

And not for nothing I’ve been hungry as shit lately, eating like a horse and not gaining anything lol??? Can that happen with ascending?

These are the symptoms I’ve found:

And WTF you can have more than one?

Always you as one will keep ascending it’s like shedding your skin as a snake, for me the more I work with my Chakras the more you are in tune, the more you awake. Kundalini will help

Now im also feeling heat in my heart. I’m so confused. I dont know if I’m being opened or attacked. Nothing ever mentions tue electrical sensations ive felt in my groin and feet over the years.

Were you baptised?

I found that before I had my reversed baptism to break away from the Christian tyrant, Yahweh, I would experience a lot of intensive problems with being psychically and magickally attacked. As I was about to get the reversed baptism done, in the few hours beforehand, I was attacked by Yahweh himself. Then I went through the reversal, and the problems died down. They’re nowhere near as bad as they used to be - practically non-existent.