Ok, so i have some questions about them. how does it mesh with daily life? how similar are they can they be described at all to physical senses? if you open them can you also close them? are visions, clairevoyance, spirit eye similar to what you see with entheogens? are entheogens in the same realm of experience? is imagination, vizualizing an object in your “minds eye” i can do this and see it “somewhere” is it here where these abilities are seen?
i have been able to with closed eyes see blue fields these sometimes appear with just a little time with closed eyes.some meditation after a few mins and lights i can sometimes see during the day though randomly with my physical eyes. had my eyes checked and they are normal, dont have much else to go on after seeing a doctor, if they are related somehow, just sharing it if its relevant to what im asking about.
Depends. You can find yourself finishing people’s sentences, answering questions they didn’t ask, getting feelings to do or not do things and finding that you avoid issues or help yourself and others that way, you can find it easier to make decisions, or knowing how people feel about them, all sorts of information that comes to you that isn’t via the usual 5 senses. You can also see and hear and smell etc things that no one else does, but, you can usually know these are for you only. I see shadows running around from time to time: you learn that this is normal astral wildlife doing it’s thing and you just don’t take any notice after a while. You may run into ghosts and then choose to talk to them, help them or avoid them depending on what they’re like.
It’s more like the subconscious uses the 5 senses as tools and approximates them so you can understand them.
They’re not open or closed, they’re more like muscles, and they are developed or not. Yes you can get so sensitive things, especially in public can become overwhelming. This is the time to train in ‘dail it down’.
No idea, but I think not, manly because drugs also affect your emotions and cognition, and ability tho think and judge. So your attitude with them isn’t the same as when you’re sober, and your entire energy body behaves differently. Every day psychic ability is a skill practiced in normal, shared reality, not an adventure into the astral.