PSI GAMES | Practices in Clairvoyance/Omniscience

Fuckin’ Game Time!!! :smiley:
The image below has 9 symbols within a segmented square. Below the box there is a prepared sigil. I have imprinted no less than 3 and no more than 6 of these symbols in a specific order into the given sigil.
Any symbol may be used as many times as I want, so a repeated symbol is a definite possibility.
The game? Intuit how many symbols are used, and in what order. I will continue to imprint the pattern into the sigil through out the next little while, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from attempting to read it previous.
Over the next 3 days, anyone can post their reading. You can use whatever psychic means necessary except for actual astral projection since this won’t actually get you anywhere, plus I’m not keen on random visitors swingin’ by without my being notified, though I’m sure it happens anyway.
I would suggest not looking at anyone else’s post so as to not influence your own reception of the information.
At the end of the 3 days I’ll post the sequence and we can discuss the results. I think this will a) be a good exercise, b) be fun and something to test yourself with, and c) hopefully start a similar trend. I think doing this sort of work with help us all reach levels of clairvoyance and eventually omniscience.
… ready? … GO! :smiley:

What? Nobody?
oh - C’mon guys :slight_smile:
let us not be shy. This is just a practice - if you want to try this but don’t want to post your answer publicly here, you can definitely just message me. But don’t pass this chance up to really gauge what you’re capable of.
After this, I would love to see more of these types of games come up. I would even participate :slight_smile: I’m just trying to get a real-time practice going that we can all be active with!
Whoooo! Yay PSI! :smiley:

Alrighty then, DK … here ya go: 7, 6, 9, 7… Z :wink:

excellent Zoe!

here’s what I pick: 1,3,5,7

Very interesting. Wow - I gotta tell you guys, being on this side of things, I can actually see, in a sort of way, how things are being picked up. I think you guys will be fascinated when I reveal this.
I’m going to go ahead and charge it some more as well. :slight_smile:

huh, I really thought more people would be into this.
What do you guys think? Maybe there’s an embarrassment factor? Maybe the timing’s off? heh
Maybe - MAYBE - they think I cursed it :stuck_out_tongue: hah
Nah, but is this kids play, or is it just “not cool enough”?
Had anybody else posted this, I would have been all about it. Interesting… quite interesting.

I dunno, DK, I really don’t. Speaking for myself, I’ve never played around with this kind of “seeing” and so I feel …“off” trying to see something other than people, events, auras, etc. Things than are commonplace for me to want to peek in on …

I did think it was a very cool idea though, hence the “what the hells, I’ll give it a shot ANYWAY!” :wink: Z

1,2,7 and 8.

[quote=“Zoe, post:8, topic:365”]I dunno, DK, I really don’t. Speaking for myself, I’ve never played around with this kind of “seeing” and so I feel …“off” trying to see something other than people, events, auras, etc. Things than are commonplace for me to want to peek in on …

I did think it was a very cool idea though, hence the “what the hells, I’ll give it a shot ANYWAY!” :wink: Z[/quote]

I could definitely see that. Maybe something a bit more mainstream would be better suited. Perhaps we could post some images of celebrities and do a group analysis of their auras :wink: That would actually be pretty cool. I’m just trying to think of things that would get other people involved in their own development which could be boosted and helped by a group effort and analysis on the forum.
Thanks for that feedback :wink:

Oh, DK, you know I adore you ! I’m just not nearly as … Sciencey … as you are! Maybe pretty pictures would work better for me!!!

(btw: I DID see several Runes in your sigil… was that purposeful?)

Oh, interesting. I just used the letters, “DK” and then made a line through it, added a couple more lines and a dot :slight_smile:
But very interesting that there are runes in there. I’ve been quite interested in runes as of late. I’ll have to take a closer look at that :wink: Danke!
p.s. - I’ll get on that pretty pictures thing, promise :wink: hehe

Well then, KUDOS to you! You’ve got one helluva bind-rune going for somebody who did it “accidentally”!!!

I feel like I am having a major dunce moment…So…what box corresponds to what number?

My guess was left to right in columns then in top to bottom rows.


My guess was left to right in columns then in top to bottom rows.


Ya, I’m pretty sure that’s what everybody’s been working with

2, 4, 7, 8.



I pick: 1, 6,3,5