PSI GAMES | Practices in Clairvoyance/Omniscience


This has been amazing watching these come in. It’s about time to divulge the original sigil charging.
First, let me say, you guys have displayed an exceptional intuitive nature.

And the charged sigil sequence is … 7-7-2-3

First and foremost - I said anywhere between 3 and 6, and a good majority of you chose 4 characters.

Second, the number of you who discerned that there was at least one of the characters in the sequence that appeared more than once is astounding.

Third, the number of you who subconsciously discerned that 7 was the one to double up is also astounding in that MOST of you intuited 7 in most of your sequences. So even though 7 wasn’t specifically doubled up in anyone’s sequence it WAS one of the ones most included in everybody’s sequence. Showing that it had a heavier impact in your collective subconscious.

Fourth, the symbols: 7, 3, and 4 are THE most intuited symbols out of the entire 9.

I also see areas where 2 was replaced with 6 - amazing since they both actually have an “X”

I noted several such “substitutions”.

What I found interesting what that the more of you answered, the easier it was to see that the sequence WAS indeed being transmitted. If I had seen just one answer, I may have said, "yeah, it looks like you kinda picked up on it, but not really, and it’s not really conclusive"
However - since I got so many people give feedback and attempt to tap into the pattern, I am actually quite impressed at the regularity and pool focus of the outcome. This has been a most impressive experiment as well as it’s outcome.

So - what say ye? Shall we continue to launch these practice runs? I think we could all learn a lot and hone our intuitive skills.

Very well done you guys, I applaud you all! :smiley:

I thought this was a great idea. I would love to see more of these.